Magical Girl and Evil Officer (2013 - 2015)

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Alternative Title: Katsute Mahou Shoujo to Aku wa Tekitai shiteita. ( かつて魔法少女と悪は敵対していた。)

Author: Cocoa Fujiwara

Artist: Cocoa Fujiwara

Genre: Fantasy, Rom-com

Status: Completed

Chapters: 21


An evil organization threatens to destroy anything that comes to its path until their plans got delayed when their head officer fell in love with a magical girl who opposes his ideologies.


I happen to just stumble upon this title when I was still in my exploratory phase. I was attracted to the cute cover, but the rest of its elements spell out cliché. The magical girl captured the officer's heart just by being cutesy and so. Plot aside, I would give a 9/10 for the art style.

Rating: ⭐⭐

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