Twittering Birds Never Fly (2008 - )

14 1 0

Alternative Title: Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai ( 囀る鳥は羽ばたかない )

Author: Kou Yoneda

Artist: Kou Yoneda

Genre: Action, BL, Drama

Status: Ongoing



A yakuza falls for his impotent bodyguard and develops a sadomasochistic relationship with him. However, because of the constant hauntings of his past, he is having doubts whether his feelings for him are legit or not.


The main character had a messed-up upbringing which made him carpe diem his way to a gang. I got bored with the story line, aside from the fact that it updates like a snail, (only 40 chapters in a span of 12 years and counting), they introduced a lot of yakuza members (who I can't even bother to remember) and they never fail to bring up Yashiro being a man-hoe every now and then (as if he's still even hiding that fact).

One time, when he got fatally injured the first thing he asked when he woke up was "Are my balls still intact?" that's when I felt that I would love to see more of this guy.

Along the way, I also got curious about how he's gonna end up with Doumeki. After the warehouse accident, they went their separate ways and the latest chapter happened to be a cliffhanger where they met again coincidentally. I would really like to know more how they'd end. They clearly had chemistry, but Yashiro is too afraid to let go even if he had something better to gain from it.

I'm giving it a 2-star for now, since I'm frustrated. Might change the rating when it's finally complete.

Rating: ⭐⭐

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