Boys Over Flowers (1992 - 2003)

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Alternative Title: Hana yori Dango ( 花より男子 )

Author: Yoko Kamio

Artist: Yoko Kamio

Genre: Rom-com

Status: Completed

Chapters: 241


Tsukushi Makino, who managed to trash talk the tyrannical F4 faces a new set of trouble when the leader falls for her.


The trendsetter of the poor-girl-meets-rich-boy trope.

I got intrigued in this manga since I saw the Taiwanese remake, Meteor Garden. I decided to read the manga after I completed watching the series. All I can say is that the manga ended it better. The approval of Domyoji's mom to their relationship has more emotional appeal compared to the ending in the remake. Their roller-coaster ride of a relationship is even well-constructed in the manga. Nothing can beat the original indeed.

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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