He fvcked a FISH!

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I'm sorry if it's not accurate, I met many trans/enby/agender people in my life but I never questioned my own gender and I don't know how disphoria feels, tell me if its accurate or not in the comments pls ^v^'

Edit three months later: wait am I really a girl-?

And I know the title isn't exactly fitting for the story I just really wanted to include that lol

Genre: fluff

TW: swearing, idk if gender disphoria is a trigger

Characters: Fundy (14 at the time), the whole sbi


Fumia looked in the mirror. This didn't feel right at all. She didn't want to look like that. Long hair put up in a big ponytail, big chest... It shouldn't be there.

She, I mean he, I mean she bought a binder some time ago, but was too scared to ever put it on. When it was finally on, Fumia sighed in relief.

It was all that she, I mean he, ever wanted.

To be a boy.

He grabbed a pair of scissors. He let down his awfully long orange hair and got to work.

The thing is, he had no idea how to make it look good. He cut them pretty long, because he was scared to do it shorter, even though he wanted to. Suddenly the door opened to reveal his uncle Tommy.

"Fumia! Guess who is here! Your favorite un-" he stopped once he saw his once niece. "Fumia"

Fumia, who actually wanted to be called Fundy, started slightly shaking, tears forming in his eyes. He was almost sure he would get rejected, yelled on and thrown out of the house. But to his suprise nothing like that happened.

"How do you plan to show your face with that kind of haircut?! Come here, let me fix it" Fundy slowly walked over to Tommy. He took the scissors and started modeling his messy hair. "Do you want it shorter?"

"Y-yes please..."

After a few minutes of silence interupted only by clipping of the scissors Tommy announced he's finished.

"How do you like it?" Fundy looked at himself in the mirror and gasped with amazement. His hair was cut almost perfectly at the length he always dreamed of having it in. He hugged his uncle tightly as tears of pure joy stained his cheeks and Tommys shirt.

"I love it! Thank you!"

"No problem pal... By the way, what do you want to be called?"

"Fundy please... With he/him pronouns..."

"Alright Fundy! Now let's show you to your father!"

"Oh, uh... Alright..." they walked into the kitchen and Fundy hid behind Tommy. But Wilbur was nowhere to be seen in the kitchen, so the chaotic blonde called out to him.


"SHUT UP TOMMY, I'M COMING!" Wilbur walked into the kitchen. "Now what is it dumbass?"

"Your son wants to show you something!"

"My son?"

"H-hey dad..." Fundy walked away from behind the chaotic blonde. "D-do you like it?"


"I p-prefer to be called Fundy please... And he/him pronouns..."

"Awww Fundy come here" Wilbur stretched out his arms for a hug. Fundys eyes started to water as he ran up to his dad for a hug. He cried tears of joy once again, this time into the brunettes shoulder. Wilbur in response patted his back and smiled. "It's alright... I will accept you no matter what..."

As they let go the fox hybrid wiped his eyes and looked at his father. The cute moment was interupted by a yell.

"Will, Tommy, yall ok in there?!"

"Grandpa Phil is also here?!"

"Yeah, along with uncle Techno" Wilbur scratched the back of his head (help it feels so weird to call Techno and Tommy uncles and Phil a grandpa T^T). "Sorry for not telling you, son..."

"It's ok, I guess I'll just go and show them my new self too"

"Do as you please. Just know that they will most likely also be supportive" Tommy shot him a wink, but Fundys didn't understand it. Instead he just  walked to the living room where Techno was sharpening his sword and Phil was reading a book.

"Uhm... Grandpa Phil? U-uncle Techno?"

They looked at him and both were suprised.

"Fumi-" Phil started but was cut off by Tommy who was just behind Fundy this whole time.

"It's Fundy, dad."

"O-oh, sorry... Fundy, you look beautiful" he smiled softly.

"Yeah, you look really good!" Technoblade stated and also shot him a small smile.

"Thank you!" the fox hybrid hugged his grandpa and other uncle.

"No problem pal, I don't mind having a grandson. "

After some time of pure Family Wholesomness™ Fundy started to wonder something and asked a question.

"Uncle Tommy, how did you know how to cut hair and that I want to be a boy do quickly? You just walked in and after like ten seconds you looked like you already knew what was going on..."

"Well you see son-" Wilbur got cut off by Tommy.

"Hey! I'll tell him!" He just recieved an eyeroll from his older brother. "You see, when I walked in out there, you kinda reminder me of myself when I was your age."

"What do you mean?"

"Because just like you I'm a dude with a vag-" Wilbur have him a death stare, meanwhile Fundy was completly caught off guard.

"So you're also trans?!" his eyes filled with excitement as Tommy nodded. "That's so pog!"

"Tommy, did you reach my son the fucking word pog?"

"Uhhhh, no...?" but it was too late, the brunette was already chasing him down.

Meanwhile Fundy was just laughing, not only because of the scene in front of him, but because he felt finally truly himself.

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