Both (4/5)

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The video is literally the reason I write this series in the first place

Genre: fluff

TW: swearing

Characters: Tommy, Wilbur, Phil, Tubbo

This is all fictional, even if it's irl

A/N 28.02.2024:
I know what Wilbur did. I am siding with the victims in this situation. What he did was awful. This fanfiction was written in June of 2022. It will stay on this platform but be aware this is fiction and I no longer support Wilbur.


This stream was... Well.... Diffrent.

Tommy, Tubbo, Phil and Wilbur were all in a discord call with cameras on, but Tommy was the one streaming. They were playing a game where they were asking eachother questions, the one questioned had to answer and the others had to guess if he was saying the truth. Then the questioned person had to proof if they were lying or not.

"Okay, Phil, is your wife real?" Tommy tried to stop himself from laughing. The odest just rolled his eyes.

"Tommy you know wery well your mother is real" the young blonde bursted out laughing.

"I think he is lying" Wilbur joined in to the joke.

"Kristin! Come here for a sec!" Mumza walked in shortly after making the chat go crazy. "See, she is real Tommy"

"They tried to pull off that prank again?" The female asked her husband smiling.

"Yeah" Philza smiled back. "You can go now if you want"

"You know what? I'll stay, I'm curious what will be happening next" With that, she pulled out a chair from where the camera didn't reach and sat down next to Phil.

For the next twenty minutes they were all asking eachother more silly questions, Kristin included.

"Tommy, are you gay?" Tubbo smiled with an evil spark in his eyes. Everybody knew the joke that was birthed by the lie detector vlog.

Tommy hesitated for a second. He wanted to tell them, but maybe he could play with them a little before he does so.

"No, I like women" he said with a brave voice.

"I think he is lying" Tubbo laughed. Everybody else also started laughing and chat flooded with 'GAYINNIT'.

"Alright you got me" Tommy almost started laughing as he saw their faces shift with suprise.

"WAIT REALLY?!" Tubbo yelled.

"I'm just kidding! I'm not gay!"

"Are you sure Tommy" Wilbur asked, not knowing if he should laugh od take it seriously.

"Wait a second, let me grab something" Tommy walked out of cameras view.

"He probably has another girlfriend" Kristin laughed.

Meanwhile Tommy went on to grab a bisexual flag the he bought a few days ago, because, why not?

"I'm back!"

"What did you need to grab huh?" Tubbo asked.

"You see, I'm not gay..."

"Pffft yeah sure" Tubbo still joked around.

"...because... I'M BI BABY!" he pulled out the flag proudly for everybody to see

Everybody bluescreened for a second.

"WAIT WHAT?! TOMMY THAT'S SO COOL!" Tubbo was the first one to react.

"My baby brother is gay!" Wilbur awwed.

"We are proud of you son" Kristin smiled and Phil nodded in agreement.

"Thank you guys"

"Awww, did someone get emotional?" Wilbur said.

"No I did not dickhead!" the blonde replied angrily. But deep down he knew that yes, he did get emotional. He was glad the he was accepted by everyone else.

"I guess we can call you Biinnit" the bee lover laughed and soon everybody else joined him.

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