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Genre: angst, REALLY angst

TW: su1c1de, death, arguing

Characters: Tommy (16), Wilbur (19), Techno (21), Phil (✨old✨)


It was normal in the Minecraft family to argue. After all there were three boys in the house, two of them still teenagers and the youngest one with undiagnosed anger issues.

This time was no diffrent.

It all started with the fact that Tommy had a bad day at school. He was almost late, he got a D in biology, he had to borrow Tubbos lunch money because he forgot his own, overall the day was shit.

Then, Wilbur had the audacity  to try and mess with him a little, even when he saw his brothers expression.

"Wilbur can you stop? I'm really not in the mood" Tommy massaged his temples in annoyance. "Aww come onn~ It's fun!" Wilbur pouted teasingly. "Please! Just... Leave me alone."

"Are you okay Tommy?" The oldest of the brothers asked, looking up from his book.

"I said leave me alone!"

"Oh well sorry for caring for my youngest brother," Techno opposed.

"Look, I'm having a bad day, okay? I really don't want to argue right now." Tommy said, to which the pinkette replied, "that doesn't give you the right to act the way you are." "What's that supposed to mean?!"

"He's saying that you shouldn't be acting so selfish, the world doesn't revolve around you and your emotions!"

Wilbur's words touched Tommy's feelings, but he didn't show it. It was hard for him to compose himself, since memories flooded his mind.

Memories of his home before he was fostered.

He was supposed to act as his parents' servant. He had a small room in the cupboard under the stairs where he was supposed to stay quiet in unless he was called. If he didn't, he got slapped, called ungrateful and selfish. After two months there, he was rescued by their neighbour who heard his "parents" yell at him.

He stood frozen in shock, that quickly changing as he bolted upstairs to his room, crying.

"You went too far," Phil said calmly, yet you could hear the anger and disappointment in his voice. "Go to your rooms, he'll come out eventually."

He didn't.

Two hours after the fight a loud crashing noise of a chair could be heard throughout the house.

Imidietly, every family member went to the source, Tommy's room.

"Tommy, open the door! Is everything alright?!" Phil yelled, trying to open the door with no avail. Techno motioned for him to step aside and he bursted the door open with sheer force.

There he was.

Hanging from the celing, his body still rocking to the sides a bit from when the chair fell, taking his life with it.

Phil fell to his knees and covered his mouth, tears forming in his eyes. Techno stood there with his mouth open, unable to move. Wilbur imidietly rushed to the blonde and attempted to take him off of the rope. "CALL 911!," he yelled at Techno. At that the pinkette snapped back to reality and took out his phone. He quickly called the emergency number and started explaining the situation.

Meanwhile Wilbur was getting Tommy's neck out of the grip of the rope. "Check if there is any pulse!" Techno said, trying to follow the instructions he got from the 911 operator.

Wilbur put his hand up to Tommys neck.

Nothing. Not even a faint trace of a pulse.

He slowly looked at his family as terror filled their eyes.

"Nothing..." there was silence between the family. It was interrupted by a voice from the phone.

"If there is no response then I fear you are too late..." with that the call ended.

Everybody in the room started crying. They hugged Tommys body close as sobs escaped all of their mouths.

They just lost him.

There is no way of bringing him back.

There will never be a loud blonde like him in the house again.

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