She's back

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Genre: fluffy white clouds

TW: none?

Characters: Tommy, Kristin (!), Wilbur, Technoblade, Phil


Merry Christmas everyone 🎶!✨❄️❤️


It was December, two days before Christmas. Snow had fallen and it was surprisingly really slippy. It was cold, but with cafés on almost every corner, Tommy didn't mind. He went out on a walk around the town he and his family lived in, taking in the beauty of winter with headphones on and listening to music simmilar to lofi, calm and dreamy in a way.

He bought himself a gingerbread latte from a trusted café and was walking slowly around the snow covered park. He admired how some of the trees had lights covered by a thin layer of snow, the courtesy of the mayor who loved to decorate the town for various occasions.

Just as Tommy was walking, his head in the clouds, he suddenly bumped into someone. Luckily, he was just finishing his coffee so nothing really spilled, but it didn't stop a few curses leaving his mouth.

He looked up at the person he bumped into. It was a fairly tall woman, all in black, gothic clothing. Despite it being winter, she had a big hat with a long rim and a few feathers and fake flowers. She wore some golden accesories, along with a black shining feather hanging from her hat by a silver chain. She had long, curly hair that reached almost the end of her back. It was dark brown, just like her eyes. Tommy saw something almost familiar behind them, a spark that he remembered from oh-so-long ago.

"I'm sorry, young man, are you hurt?" She asked, reaching out a hand to the confused teen. He took it and got up with her help. He then asked something he himself was suprised to say.

"What's your name, miss?"

She stared for a split second before answering.

"Kristin Minecraft. And you?"

Tommy was, quite frankly, flabbergasted.

"Tommy, Tommy Minecraft."

It was Kristin's turn to be confused. It was short-lived though as she tackled her youngest son in a hug.

"Oh, my little boy, how I've missed you! You've grown so much!" She said, soon beggining to ramble about how she regets leaving and apologizing rapidly.

"Mum, please stop the word vomit," Tommy said, still hugging his parent closely. Kristin laughed and let go. "I think we should go to the house and get things sorted out," the teen proposed, to which she nodded.

"I think I'd want to take my things from the hotel first," the woman said and the blonde followed her to the building, waited for a few minutes before she came back out with a surprisingly not-so-big bag. "Let's go," she exclaimed and walked with Tommy to the big house.

After about 20 minutes they arrived at the doorstep and Tommy spoke up.

"I'll enter first, then announce you as a suprise, alright?" She only nodded again.

He walked in to be welcomed by warm air, soft light of the fireplace and the smell of dinner. He smiled as Phil came out of the kitchen and, upon spotting Tommy, said "Oh Tommy! You're back! How was the walk?"

"Oh, nothing out of the ordinary, though I found something very interesting," the teen answered.

"Yeah? What is it?"

"I'll show you but only if Techno and Wil also come here"

Techno peeked out from the kitchen, "I heard my name?"

"Can you go get Wilbur?" The father asked him. The pinkette obliged, and soon the entire family gathered in the main room.

"So I bumped into this person and, uh... You can come in now..."

As Kristin entered Techno, Phil and Wilbur all gasped.

"Kristin!" Phil exclaimed and ran into the arms of his love.

"Hello my darling," she said, hugging him back.

They exchanged a short yet meaningfull kiss to their children's disgust.

Soon enough Wilbur and Techno hugged her too, all of the family members tearing up.

At dinner, Kristin told stories of her adventures, what she had done these 10 years she's been gone.

This Christmas the Minecraft household got a truly magical gift.

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