38 - Chapter Thirty-Eight - Lukas Black's Point Of View.

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Looking at Andrei, I clasped the coffee cup in my hand.

"I swear, you better take that back!"

"I said what I said."

"You said pure bullshit Andrei Mihail!"

"Then why are you so pressed by it, Huh?"

"It's so not true! That's why!"

I glared at Andrei and couldn't believe he called me names. Just what had got him all fired up this early in the morning, we only just woke up. We both still had what could be weeks before we returned to work. My shoulder was just starting to actually feel better a week after the accident.

"Oh, just sit down and eat your breakfast darling Lukas."

Glaring at Andrei in a playful mood, I did sit down and eat my breakfast. He made me pancakes with whip cream and peaches and honey instead of maple syrup. It was delicious, and I swore I could eat it every damn day if he was willing to cook it for me. I somehow doubted he would though. Andrei was pretty damn harsh on his balanced meals, he made sure I ate all different food groups and didn't really give me much of a choice in it. I ate what he made me and that was the end of it.

"Do we have any more peaches? They were amazing!"

"Yes Lukas, they are in the fridge, If you want them sliced you will have to do it yourself. They are whole."

I thought about it for a moment longer before taking my plate to the sink and running hot water over the plate before heading to the fridge to get a whole peach. I grabbed one out of the basket, took it to the sink and ran it under cool water before taking a bite. The peach was sweet and juicy and very quite yummy.

"Enjoying that peach?"

"Oh yeah. I love fresh peaches, and these ones are so sweet."

"I'm pleased you like them. I often get fresh fruits, if you want anything specific, let me know and I'll get someone to pick some up until I'm allowed to get groceries on my own."

"Alright, sounds pretty good to me."

Andrei was moving so much better this week than the last and it pleased me to see him recovering. He was even sleeping better now than he had been and Alessio had taken him off some of the pain medication they had him taking.

"Lukas? How did you sleep?"

"I slept fine I think, I don't feel really well-rested, but I feel like I got enough sleep."

"I'm pleased to hear that, you were tossing and turning quite a bit last night, I tried to steady you without waking you up, but I just held onto you, until you stayed still, well enough I could sleep myself."

"I'm sorry I kept you up last night."

"No worries, I enjoyed being able to hold you last night."

"We could cuddle and you could hold me. I would like that."

I watched Andrei smile before sipping his coffee and pulling out his cellphone. At least he could work from here, I didn't have that option, all my computer programs were in Alexi and Creed's office on the work computer and I didn't want to head down there. I was quite comfortable here, with Andrei. I missed my bed, But I would miss Andrei more if I went home if I was allowed.

I still wasn't allowed to go home, Maddox made that clear every few days to Andrei. But it wasn't all bad, I was enjoying my time with him. The thought of having to leave made my every breathe feel incredibly heavy.

Andrei moved from the table and went to the bedroom, he came back shortly after with his laptop and sat back at the table. He turned his head to look at me and gave me a soft smile again.

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