chapter 16

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"you are the prettiest little thing i’ve ever seen

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"you are the prettiest little thing i’ve ever seen."

belle's pov!

“no way, the baby was here two minutes ago???”, i practically shouted, shooting up from the sleeping position i was in. loki grumbled something about me being so loud, but i paid him no mind.

“yes, i held her before they took her to do a few checkups. belle, i- i fell in love the second i saw her.”, he said in full ecstasy that it made my heart melt, “she’s- she’s so beautiful, and, and i’m her father! i’m officially a father!”

“oh cole, i just know you're going to be a really good one.”, i said with a wide smile, completely aware that he couldn’t see it over the phone.

i blurted out excitedly, “when can i come visit?”

“if you and avelia don’t mind, of course.”, i quickly added.

“what? hey we won’t mind the slightest! unfortunately, i think they’re doing family only for now, and while i very much think you’re family, they won’t let you through.”

“oh yeah,” i agreed, “i understand that, family first. when you know when they’re allowing good friends over, hit me up, yeah?”

“definitely will.”, cole said, “i wish you could be here now, though. i feel like laughing and throwing up.”

“don’t do that.”, i rolled my eyes playfully, “the nurses would hate you.”

“yeah, they probably will.”

“i’m so happy for you, cole.”, i said just before we ended the call, “i’m over the moon for you.”

“thanks, belle.”, he returned, “you’re gonna be an aunt too by the way, in case it wasn't clear already.”

“oh, i know. i’m planning to be one of those cool, fun aunts. i'm telling you cole, she might start liking me better than you one day.”

“her own father? no way.”, cole said, “hey, my mom just said doc's calling us back in, i’ll text you the time you can come and see her, okay?”

“can't wait! bye cole.”

“bye, belle.”

i turned to loki whose green eyes were watching me sleepily, and i brushed away the messy dark strands of hair from his face, “very lovely morning to you, love. cole just called and said the avelia delivered the baby a few minutes ago.”

his eyes brightened, “i figured that much from how excited you were and how you wanted to see ‘her’, but that is exciting! what a fine morning indeed.”

“it really is! you’re coming with me when we have to visit.”, i said, and loki smiled, though a bit troubled, “are you positively sure that friend of yours won’t kick me out the second i step in the room?”

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