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HOME : 2016

"what felt so empty there before, now felt so full

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"what felt so empty there before, now felt so full."

third person's pov! 

"if i ask about the future, what do you see there?"

a smile graced her lips as she answered delicately, knowing the topic was fragile, "i see many things."

"tell me.", he urged softly, quietly.

her voice was warm when she continued, "i see myself coming home to the small apartment. you'll be sitting on the couch when i arrive, a grey kitten curled up in your lap. i'll bend down to kiss you hello then you'll ask about my day."

"i see you in your favourite sweater, hugging me as if i were a pillow. i'll be laughing and telling you to let me go, but you'll just shake that adorable little head of yours and hug me tighter. i'll then be defeatedly engulfed in your love and affection until you think it's alright to let me go and do other things."

"i see you washing the dishes, despite me telling you not to. you're going to end up side-stepping me on every attempt i make to help you wash the dishes. then somehow we'll both end up with the front of our shirts and pants wet from our water fight. in the end, you'll start chasing me with a spatula because i poured soapy water all over your hair."

"i see myself laughing quietly along with you, as we turn thor's whole wardrobe purple. we'll hide behind his door using an invisibility spell to watch his reaction. but thor being thor, he'll adore the purple and wear it proudly everywhere until odin tells us to undo what we did and return thor's clothes back to the blue and red it usually is. even so, he'll scold us in an exasperated way, a little amused at what we did, whether he admits it or not."

"i see you blushing in embarrassment when i ask mama frigga for your childhood stories. she'll tell me about your first injury and how you got it. she'll tell me about your teenager phase. then she'll tell me the wholesome stuff you did, like how you had fixed thor's injuries often and snuck extra coins to the village kids.", belle said and loki raised a questioning eyebrow, wondering where she knew all that from. queen frigga or thor must've mentioned something about it already.

"those are," he paused, collecting his feelings in one sentence, "i would like it very much if that happened."

"what about you? what do you see?"

"i see you in a dress. it'll glitter like the stars in the sky, and- and i'll tear up at the sight of you. i'll realise over and over again how the universe was so kind to send you my way. i'll be the happiest on that day, kissing you in front of everyone, sealing our vows."

the woman is confused now, looking at her lover with a hazy realisation.

"marry me?", he finally whispered that morning, when the light of the day hadn't shown itself, when they lay in his bed in each other's arms.

time surely could be a little gracious, right? death and life would shake hands, agreeing for once, perhaps?

loki would bargain with death like he always does, then he'd hunt time down and come to a compromise. belle would rip apart every single thing or person or power out there that might harm her forever with loki.

"yes.", she said at last, clinging to the sweet taste of hope, succumbing slowly to sleep's caress, "i'll marry you loki, we'll have our light, happy ending."

the words they said had been so easy, so casual, so out of place to reality. but the truth had been heard in both their voices. they meant it.

he raised her left hand, kissing her ring finger. what felt so empty there before, now felt so full. there was a promise now, something to look forward to.

it started with a furry cat and a girl and it ended with two people. their feelings for each other continue to grow with each passing day, feeling and falling. they make star-crossed plans and it will all continue to cross, crash into each other one day, causing an inevitable tragedy. but despite that, their souls are intertwined anyways, marking them as soulmates, as each other's to the end of time. still, they think that the afterglows are good enough, the memories prove that they had won in their own way.

they knew that time, death, life, and anything else can try. because no matter how many times, how many deaths, how many lives, in the end they will love each other. forever.

author's note:

yeah, we've reached the end! *hands out tissues as support while muttering apologies*

it might be the end for us but clearly not for them, at least not yet, they have like 2 more years before infinity war hits- I'M JOKING! they're happy and alive and married and living in belle's small apartment with a grey kitten they adopted bcs kids are a concept that i decided would not fit them, or their situation. 

like usual, i'll be posting my thanks and hefty long emotional messages later tonight, after the burden called school can stop bothering me :) 


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