chapter 20

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"oh no! not the hugs!"

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"oh no! not the hugs!"

belle's pov!

"not even once?", tony asked, directed to the both of us, "you two have shared a bed for who knows how long and you haven't even fu-"

"fondued?", steve intervened, but he also looked shocked.

loki scoffed as he laid on my chest, and i laughed, "no, not once."

"impressive.", natasha mused, "the restraint does build up the tension and once it happens-"

"nat!", i shouted at the same time loki said, "lady natasha!"

"there's a kid present!", i whispered urgently, to which peter scowled.

"i am not a kid! and i know what you're talking about-", peter ranted before freezing with wide eyes, "oh shoot! i shouldn't have said that. mr stark, i promise i only knew about it from biology class!"

"you're still grounded.", tony said sternly, "and i'm taking away your netflix privileges."

"what? no, mr stark!", peter wailed, "you can't do that."

"yes i can and i just did.", tony retorted back.

"you're not even my dad or anything!"

"might as well be.", i heard clint cough.

i turned my eyes to the man on my chest and brushed his hair gently, "loki, get up please? i wanna get a drink."

"no.", he said stubbornly, continuing to make himself comfortable lying on me.

"well then, too bad.", i pat his head, then teleported myself from beneath him to standing near the doorway.

loki frowned, and i stuck my tongue out winningly.

"love.", loki said in greeting, wrapping his hands around my waist as i downed the milk from the carton box.

we were in the kitchen now, away from the others in the living room.

"now i know that the next time i turn you into a cat," he said laughing, "i'll be sure to stock up on the milk."

i huffed, "there won't be a next time or else i'm going to not give you your daily dose of hugs for a month."

"oh no! not the hugs!", he gasped dramatically.

"wanna know the worst part? you'll be sleeping on the couch for two weeks, without me.", i teased.

he shuddered, burying his lips in my hair, "not the couch, that place is terrible~"

"it is?"

"it is when you're not with me.", the flirty tone evident in his voice.

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