Can of worms. Part One.

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Kaya was looking for her mp3 player when Lloyd walked in.

Kaya: Hey Lloyd how are you doing?

Lloyd: Good just wanned say that Cole told me to give you this.

He handed over a broken mp3 player and then walked away. Kaya was mad but she felt like something wasn't right.

Cole was in the kitchen.

Cole: Mmmm violet berry soup. My best recepie.

He tasted it but then spat it out. Lloyd then peeked his head in the kitchen.

Lloyd: Hey Cole. I saw Jay put some spices in your soup. Said that your cooking needed it. Bye.

Cole: JAY!!!!!!

Jay was on the upper deck about to train with the training bot.

Jay: Ok lets take it easy. How about level three.

But when he turned it on it was on level 10. Jay panicked when Lloyd came out.

Lloyd: Hey Jay i saw Zane trying to fix the training bot. Isn't it your job? Well good luck.

He walked away.

Jay: No wait! Aaaahhhh! ZANE!!!

Later Zane was on the upper deck hanging laundry when Lloyd walked to him.

Zane: Morning Lloyd. What are you doing here such a lovely morning?

Lloyd: Kaya asked me to get her ninja suit. She told me she throwed it by yours. Oh here it is thanks Zane.

He then walked away. Zane then looked at his laundry and saw that it was pink.

Later that day Jay, Cole and Zane was yelling at eachother.




While they where fighting Kaya and Wu walked into the room and opened a slide door showing Lloyd, some spices, tools and pink dye. The three ninja saw it.


Cole: Guys I get first dibs.

Wu: No! I told Lloyd to do it. For todays lesson on the the power of rumors and jumping to conclusions. Did you think to find out if it was true?

Jay: Wait why didn't Kaya get pranked?

She showed them the broken mp3 player.

Kaya: I did but i thought that Cole would never take things from me without asking.

Cole: No offence Sensai but this lesson was dumb.

Jay: Yeah why couldn't we learn something else?

Wu: Because not all lessons is about fighting. And I have missplaced my lesson book.

Kaya walked over to Lloyd and took out Sensai's lesson book from his pocket.

Kaya: Is this what you looking for?

Lloyd: It was the perfect plan until you had to ruin it.

Cole closed the door on Lloyd and then Nya spoke from the radio.

Nya: If you all are done then get to the bridge. We still have a snake problem.

The ninja walked over to the bridge where Nya showed them the map.

Nya: Last we heard from Pythor we stole the map from Lloyd and is about to open the last serpentine tombs.

Lloyd: Ugh don't remind me.

Wu: He is our worst threat if he opens the last tombs and gather all the Serpentine tribes then there's no telling what he'll do.

Jay: Yeah but without the map of the tombs then we can just throw darts on this map.

Nya: Good idea!

She throwed darts on the map.

Nya: Here is the locations of the tombs of the hypnobrai, fangpyre and Pythor.

Jay: Yeah but what do get from this?

Nya turned on a flashlight which showed a picture of a snake with symboles on it.

Nya: If you look at this then you can see that they are lined with Ninjago's symbole for serpent.

Jay: So the last two tombs must be here and here. Wow you are so smart.

Wu: We can't waste any time. Cole and Zane you take the constrictal tomb. Jay and Kaya you take the venemari tomb. And the flute with you. Good luck ninja.

Nya: Wait what am i going to do?

Lloyd: Yeah what are we going to do?

Kaya: Nya stay here and look after Lloyd. Okay?

Nya: "sigh" Of course sis.

Cole: Ok let's go!

The ninja split up.

Cole and Zane arrived to the mountain of a million steps.

Cole: Ok looks like we have to go the rest on foot.

Zane: But this is the mountain of a million steps. It takes us forever to get to the top.

Cole: Not if we take a shortcut.

They started to climb. Zane was on Cole's back. They past the postman who was walking up the steps. They soon reached the top and saw a rope.

Zane: Guess Pythor was here Before us.

The climbed down to the chamber but didn't see anything. Until Cole noticed something on the wall.

Cole: Hey look at this.

Zane: It looks like a ledgant.

He told Cole what it said. That if the Serpentine tribes unite then they can find the four fangblades and release the great devourer.

Cole: Ok that dosen't sound good so let's get out of here and go to help Jay and Kaya. If Pythor allready was here then... Did you feel that?

Zane: Feel what?

Cole: Something is in the ground.

Just then the constrictal general poped out of the ground and grabbed Zane with his tail.

Skalidor: I've been waiting for you. Pythor told me that you would show up. He sends his regards.

Cole the smaked him with his scythe and he let go of Zane. They ran to the exit but Cole got trapped. He tried to play the flute but couldn't so he throwed it to Zane how played it and Skalidor let go and fleed.

Zane: Are you ok?

Cole: Yeah. Now let's go and help Jay and Kaya. If Pythor send him to fight us then Jay and Kaya needs our help.

To be contineud...

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