The stone army.

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At the City of Ouroboros was two snakes having a slither pit. Just then rattlecopter interrupted them and saw one of the snakes set up a carpet, chair, umbrella, and put a cocktail umbrella in a cup.

Snake1: Yup. Ready!

Garmadon then walked out of the rattlecopter and sat in the chair and was drinking his drink.

Garmadon: Ah. It's so bright. I never understood how your kind could live in such heat.

The generals then slitherd up to him.

Skalidor: Lord Garmadon, what brings you to our humble dwelling?

Garmadon: The ninja may have destroyed my mega weapon, but I have an ingenious new plan.

Skales then whisperd to the other generals.

Skales: Are we still allowing him to be in charge of us?

Garmadon: Earlier, when pirates mutinied our ship and locked us in the brig, Captain Soto's journal mentioned they have been looking for a fabled dark island that was created out of evil itself. Once we find it, its concentrated dark powers will help me-I mean, us! We could rule Ninjago together!

Skales: Oh, please. You're having us chase after fairy tales, now?

Garmadon: Not fairy tales, but a real place that existed long before any of us were around. A place full of untold power.

Skalidor: Untold power? Count me in!

Garmadon: A place dripping with evil!

Skalidor: Evil. Sounds nice!

Garmadon: I'm looking for a few brave snakes. Who'll join me?

Fangtom, Acidicus, and Skalidor: Aye!

Skales: Oh!

They then flew away with the rattlecopter. While on the bounty was Lloyd, Cole, Jay and Zane woken up by the alarm clock. Lloyd used his powers to destroy it.

Lloyd: Is it Wednesday already?

Jay: Sunrise exercise. I hate sunrise exercise.

Wu then came in and was energatic.

Wu: Ah. Good morning, morning, morning! Up, up. It's a new day, students. Before we begin sunrise exercise, I noticed the Dragon made another mess outside. It looks like a two-person job, hehe.

He walked out and the ninja was making up excuses.

Cole: Uh, what was that, Sensei?

Zane: I sense I need to be somewhere else.

Jay: Lloyd, haha. I'm sure you got this, heh.

Lloyd: Aww, you might've been able to dump chores on me when I was smaller, but I'm grown up now. That's not fair!

Cole: You're right, Lloyd. We need to settle this like men. With a round of Rock, Paper, Clamp! Okay, on three! One, two, three!

Lloyd choosed rock and the other choosed paper.

Jay: Haha, paper beats rock!

Lloyd: How does paper beat rock?

Just then Kaya walked in.

Kaya: What's happening?

Cole: Oh we just had a manly way too choose who taking care of the dragons. Buisness.

Kaya: Rock, paper, clamp?

Cole: Yeah.

Later Lloyd was taking care of the dragons special gift.

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