Ninjaball run.

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In Dareth's dojo Lloyd was standing on one hand while the ninja and Sensai was on top of him.

Wu: Focus. If you're gonna carry the weight of Ninjago on your shoulders then you have to learn to carry the weight of all of us.

Jay: Sensai I'm starting to think this was a bad idea.

Cole: Yeah Sensai. He's just a child.

Wu: In order for him to succed then we must all trust eachother.

Just then a wreaking ball cane through the wall and knocked all down to the floor.

Cole: What was that?

Dareth then ran to the one driving it.

Dareth: Woah woah woah. This wasn't suppose to happen until tomorrow!

Worker: Tomorrow? Let me see the order. Oh look at that sorry. We come back tomorrow.

The workers then walked away.

Cole: Uh Dareth. What is happening?

Dareth: I fell behind some payments and now a developer named Darmagon enterprise is buying the entire block to put in some stupid frisbee-golf course. They say if I don't come up with 50,000 by tomorrow, the dojo is gone.

Jay: But we have allready lost the bounty. We can't lose the dojo also.

Dareth cried over his trophies while Zane looked closer on the name.

Zane: Wait a minute. Darmagon if you switch the letters then it says.

Jay: O grandma?

Kaya: No Garmadon.

Jay: Yeah that makes more sence.

Lloyd: My dad is behind this?

Cole: If he destroys the dojo. Where are we gonna train Lloyd?

Dareth the pointed at Sensai's teapot.

Dareth: Any chanch you got 50,000 in that teapot of yours.

Wu: Fear not Dareth. You're not alone. We're all with you.

Nya then walked in.

Nya: Did someone say 50,000?

Jay: Did you win the lottery?

Nya: No. But i've heard of ninjaball run.

All: Ninjaball run?

Nya: It's the biggest road race in Ninjago. With prize money at 100,000. And it's tomorrow.

Dareth: I thank. But you're talking about the most dangerous race known to man. Only the most serius racers even stand a chanch.

Kaya: Yeah it is a dangerous race.

Cole: How do you know.

Kaya: Uh. I've heard of it the time we where here. But Nya didn't you do some changes on the ultra sonic rader?

Nya nodded.

Lloyd: And i can race with my dragon. You did say i needed some practice.

Wu: Then we all agree. You all is gonna compite in the ninjaball run. To save the dojo.

Dareth cried some more.

Nya: Are you still crying?

Dareth: Yeah but it's happy tears.

Next day was the ninjaball run and many people was in. The ninja was standing at the startline. But Kaya wasn't there because she woke up with a massive migran so the others had to do it with out her. But they could still talk to her with a radio.

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