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The gang was all out in the sun, sat around a big table, chatting.

Lisbon then brought her attention to Stockholm's and Denver's son, who was playing with his toys, while dressed as a Dali

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Lisbon then brought her attention to Stockholm's and Denver's son, who was playing with his toys, while dressed as a Dali.

"He's such a cutie. What's his real name?" Lisbon asked Stockholm, smiling.

"You should ask his father" Stockholm told her, smiling back.

Denver then turned to look at Lisbon and then answered, happily,


Everyone then started smiling, happily, from shock, and then Niarobi went,

"No way!"

"It's true. The love of my life liked the name Cynthia, when she thought it was a girl but-" Denver told them, while slapping his hand on the table after his sentence.

Bogotá then laughed and then Stockholm said, smiling,

"We couldn't really tell from the scan"

"How come?" Phoenix asked.

"Well, I could only get the first one done" She answered.

"Yeah" Denver laughed, "Where was that? You remember?"

"Yeah" Stockholm giggled.

"In that clinic in Sulawoa" Denver smiled.

"Sila Wesi" Stockholm laughed.

"Sila Wesi" Denver repeated, smiling, "Like a grimmy mechanic shop, oh my god"

"We didn't return" Stockholm said, smiling, while looking at Lisbon.

"And what did you want, a girl or a boy?" Lisbon asked them both.

"Didn't really matter what we got, you know, what's the difference. As parents, you love it, no matter what it is. Am I right or no?" Denver answered, seriously.

Stockholm then turned to look at him with a surprised look on her face, while smiling.


Denver was running through the hospital corridors, trying to get to Stockholm's room.

He then turned the corner and ran into the room and there was a nurse, all in pink, holding his baby.

She turned around and with the shocked and unbelievable look on Denver's face, she got the idea that he was the father.

She walked a little closer to him and smiled.

"It's a laki laki" She told him.

"A laki laki?" Denver repeated, confused.

The nurse then lifted up her finger and wriggled it around. Denver then got the idea that it was a boy.

"A boy" Denver said, happily but quietly, "It's a boy" He repeated, turning to look at Stockholm.

"IT'S A BOY!" He shouted, at the top of his lungs, happily.

He then went round all the doctors and nurses and told them all that his son was a boy and even kissed one of them on the cheek.

He then got down on his knees and pointed his arms in the air and started repeating, loudly,



Everyone then began laughing, loudly, and then Palermo threw a napkin at Denver, who was getting a little embarrassed.

"It's a boy" Tokyo said, smiling, doing an impression of Denver to Stockholm.

"The whole town heard him yelling 'It's a boy, it's a boy'" Stockholm said, loudly.

Everyone then giggled a little more and then Denver said, explaining Cincinnati's name,

"So it went from Cythia-Cinthi-Cincinn-ati"

"Mhm" Palermo hummed.

"That's logical" Niarobi said.

"It's a logical thing. It makes sense because he's named after a city, like the family...this family. Cincinnati, ya know" Denver said.

Everyone then smiled and then Lisbon asked Palermo and Phoenix,

"So, when are you two having a baby?"

Everyone then went quiet and turned their attention onto Palermo and Phoenix.

It was really quiet and Palermo and Phoenix both didn't really know what to say.

"W-We're not" Palermo told her.

"You aren't?" Lisbon questioned.

"No" Palermo told her.

Lisbon then turned to look at Phoenix and she could see that Phoenix definitely thought differently.

She was staring at Palermo with the most shocked, annoyed and disgusted look on her face.

Lisbon then turned to look at Palermo again and then Tokyo asked,

"Why not?"

"Revolting" Palermo answered, shaking his head in a quick way so it would move his mouth around.

Lisbon then turned to look at Phoenix again and she was even more shocked that before.

"I don't think having a baby would be so bad?" Phoenix said, cross, while Palermo turned to look at her with a small smile on his face.

"Well, that's your opinion, my dear. We can all think differently" Palermo told her, being surprisingly calm.

He then turned away from her and Phoenix just looked at him with an unbelievable expression on her face but couldn't be bothered with an argument so stayed quiet.

Everyone then changed conversation to avoid an argument between the couple and then all went for dinner.

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