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Today is the day. The day known as D-Day. The day, the heist begins. And there they are, the whole gang, outside, nervous as hell, waiting for The Professor's information on the platoons.

Phoenix. She may have been the most nervous of all. It wasn't just herself she was bringing into the bank, but she was bringing her baby in there too. She knew it was dangerous, she knew that from the first step she took into The Proffesor's bedroom to tell him the news, but she wanted to be there, for her family, for Berlin.

And Palermo. Leg shaking, heart racing. He diverted his gaze from the walkie to his distant girlfriend. He stared at her, wondering why she was here. Considering she was pregnant, he thought she wouldn't have come, to keep her and the baby out of danger. But there she was, fixing up her military uniform and waiting for an order and that angered him. They may of had an argument but that didn't change the love he still felt for her, so he decided to go and ask her a couple of questions.

Phoenix saw him get up and start walking towards her. She was shocked and annoyed. He hadn't spoken to her in days and now he is deciding too, yeah, Phoenix doesn't think so. But before she could fast walk away, she felt a hand, harshly, grab her arm and pull her towards her boyfriend, making her face him.

"What do you want?" Phoenix grumbled to her boyfriend, angry.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Palermo growled at her.

"UM, I'm here for a heist, what do you think I'm here for, to buy a new wardrobe!?" She shouted to him, sarcastically.

"I mean, why the fuck are you still coming on this heist?" Palermo asked her, with a scowl.

"Um, because I am needed there and I don't see the good I would be doing just sat at the monastery when I am still capable to help" She told him, annoyed, "Why the fuck do you care anyway?"

Palermo then sucked the inside of his lip and huffed. He replied with,

"Did The Professor approve?"


Palermo was shocked.

"And does he know your condition?"

"What, that I am pregnant? Of course he does, I told him a few days ago" Phoenix piffted.

At this point, Palermo was more shocked then ever. He thought Sergio would have kept Phoenix at the monastery if he knew she was pregnant. But he didn't.

Then the walkie went off,

"You're the first platoon of the sixth company BRIPAC"

Palermo quick glanced at the walkie and then back at Phoenix. She gave him a sarcastic smile and then ripped her arm away from his grasp with full annoyance. She then walked away with a scoff. This snapped Palermo back to work and he began to shout to the gang,

"We are the first platoon of the sixth company BRIPAC!"

Everyone then began to get to work, grabbing the magnets and sticking them onto the platoon.

"You have 16 minutes and 45 seconds!" Palermo announced, "I want your blood boiling and your mind frosty. Let's go!"

Phoenix then grabbed a magnet that showed the six and gave it to Nairobi.

"Is that the six?" She asked, "Good"

A couple of minutes later, the phoney platoons were ready for action and it was time for the gang to get to the Bank of Spain.

"Let's go, goddammit! I want us there in seven minutes!" Palermo shouted.

And that's when everyone began to gather their gear and get into the platoons. In the first was Tokyo and Helsinki, in the front, and Palermo, Phoenix, Stockholm and Denver, in the back. And in the second was Niarobi and Bogotá, who were both in the front seats, and in the back, was all of their ammunition.

And then off they went, on their way to the Bank of Spain, on their way to full excitement and stress.

Palermo looked opposite him and scoffs, he still cannot believe that a pregnant woman has decided to come into the heist. He thought Phoenix was being completely stupid and disagreed with her decision all the way.

Phoenix just rolled her eyes, ignoring whatever looks and actions Palermo was aiming towards her.

After a few minutes of sitting in silence, everyone began to hear screams from an angry crowd. Palermo, Denver, Stockholm and Phoenix all looked at eachother, confused, and when they began to hear banging on the platoon, they looked out of their windows. That's when they saw...an army...their army...of dalis. Covering the streets of Madrid, was a bunch of supporters that looked just like Dalis. They were cheering on The Professor's gang and booing down the police. And all the gang wanted to do was shout,

"I am one of you! We are Dali!"

Suddenly, the platoon came to a stop and that meant, it was time. Everyone jumped out of the first platoon; Tokyo, Denver and Helsinki going to push back the crowd and Palermo, Phoenix and Stockholm going to over to the civil guards.

"I am Captain Garrido" Palermo began, doing the army salute, "First platoon, sixth BRIPAC company"

"Lieutenant Alcázar" The Civil Guard introduced.

"My orders are to assume control over the security of the building" Palermo told him, "Enlarge the perimeter to 150 metres from the front of the Bank. And open the back door. Convoy is on it's way"

"Girls, we're pulling up" Nairobi told Phoenix and Stockholm over her radio.

"We have orders to coordinate with you...but not to let a convoy inside. I will not give that order to my men" Alcázar told Palermo.

"Wait, now they are stopping us" Nairobi told them.

"Sir, the convoy requires immediate access" Phoenix told Palermo.

"Jímenez. Give me your radio" The Lieutenant told one of the other civil guards.

And that's when Phoenix's heart began to race. If The Proffesor didn't do this quick, the convoy wouldn't be able to get inside. Without Nairobi, Bogotá and ammunition, they're fucked, and they would have already failed, even before they got inside. All their hard work, all their planning and preparing, would all go to shit just because one convoy wasn't able to get inside.

"Defence staff headquarters. This is Lieutenant Alcázar, Civil Guard detachment. I need conformation for the access of the BRIPAC platoon to enter the Bank of Spain"

Hanging on a single voice. Just a single voice. And it had to be The Proffesor's.

"This is Colonel Castro. We just declared alert level 5. I repeat, alert level 5. From this moment on, the defence of the interior of the Bank of Spain and it's perimeter is assigned to the army. You're to put all your men under Captain Garrido's command until the arrival of Colonel Cerceda, understood?"

Phoenix let out a sigh of relief. It was The Proffesor, he did it, she knew he'd do it, he was the gang's guardian angel after all.

"Understood. Right away, Colonel" Alcázar said.

Palermo and The Lieutenant then gave eachother a challenging stare and then the Lieutenant gave the order to let Garrido through. The men did as told and after Palermo told Alcázar to prepare to the smoke canisters, the trio walked into the bank as proud and relieved as ever.

They then initiated the evacuation protocol and let half the hostages go but after that...


The Bank of Spain was sealed.

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