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Palermo. On the walkie. Talking to The Proffesor. He was questioning him on Phoenix's participation in the heist. And he wasn't happy.

Alone, in a room, by himself. The only voices being heard were the angry ones coming from him and Sergio.

"Can you please tell me why the fuck you let a newly pregnant mother come into the heist?" Palermo asked his old friend, angry.

The Professor then answered him, calmly,

"I let Phoenix come into the heist because she is needed and it is too late to replace her. Nairobi and Bogotá don't know as much as her and so, she is a very important piece of the plan. Plus, it is early pregnancy and she wanted to go in-"

"I couldn't give a fuck about any of that!-"

"I know what you said to her, Palermo" Sergio interrupted, getting annoyed, "You told her to get rid of her baby and if she didn't, she would loose you. Because of that, I am beginning to wonder why you are so bothered.."

Palermo then sucked the inside of his lip, getting annoyed and embarrassed.

"And if you were so bothered, you should have told her to stay at the monastery yourself" Sergio told him.

Palermo then stared down at the walkie, angry and irritated, feeling low. He told Sergio that he had to go. He then put down the walkie and walked away from it, sheepish and embarrassed.


*Beep, Beep, Beep*


Pain. That was all The Governor could feel. Pain. In his head. He sat up and held onto onto it, his body not letting him let go.

He looked down, blurry eyed, and noticed that he had a bunch of different tubes connected to his body that was connected to a heart rate machine.

Suddenly, he saw a silver figure walking towards him, calling his name, over and over.

"Governor? Mr Governor?"

As soon as his vision got clearer, he saw a curious Nairobi waving her hand infront of his face.

"Mr Governor, your heart almost burst. We've injected you with enough Diazepam for a whole family. Please, lie down" She told him.

But he didn't listen.

"I'm perfectly fine" He told her.

He then left his bed with a foil cover and stood up, placing his hand back upon his head.

"Be careful, please" Nairobi told him, being cautious of his balance. She then smiled and said, "Well, I guess, if you're okay...let me show you this little number we've set up"

With Bogotá and Phoenix:

Bogotá and Phoenix were downstairs too, helping smelt the gold. Right now though, they were taking a break. Bogotá was sat down, eating a sausage and Phoenix was standing up, watching the welders do their jobs.

"Phoenix..." Bogotá said, making Phoenix look down at him.

"Hmm?" She questioned, looking down at him with a light smile.

"Would you like a sausage?" He offered her, holding out a sausage for her to take.

She then smiled and shook her head.

"No thanks"

Bogotá then turned away from her and began to think of how to put the next thing he was going to ask her.

He then sighed and turned back to look at his friend.

"I heard you're pregnant"

Phoenix looked down at him, surprised, but then she smiled and placed a hand on her belly.

A Nuclear Warhead? - Palermo and PhoenixWhere stories live. Discover now