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It was late at night, two a.m. to be exact, and Palermo was sat at his desk, in his room, still working on the plan. It was complete except for some small important details, that he forced himself to complete.

Phoenix, on the other hand, was wide awake and was writing some useless notes down in her notebook because she was bored. She was laid stomach down and legs up, on the bed.

She kept on looking over at her soulmate and realising how tired he was becoming. He had been working for about ten hours now.

She got up, shut her notebook, and went over to him. She rested a hand on his shoulder and asked him, calmly,

"My love, are you tired?"

"María, I have to finish this. We have two months left until the heist and I have to teach the gang these details in that time, so this has to be finished" He answered, feeling his eyes getting a little heavier.

"Okay" She whispered, warmly, bending down and kissing him on the cheek, leaving a breathe on his neck.

She then headed towards the door and as soon as she opened it, she found Lisbon, who was about to knock on.

Phoenix got startled and stood there, jumping back a little, with a surprised expression on her face.

Lisbon also had a surprised look on her face too because she wasn't expecting Phoenix to open the door as soon as she was about to knock on.

"Um, hi, I just wanted to um, talk to you" Lisbon smiled.

Palermo then turned around and looked at the two girls, with a tired expression upon his face.

"Um, yeah, of course" Phoenix told her, walking out of the room, with Lisbon, and shutting the door.

When they both got outside, Phoenix asked her, while starting to make her way to the kitchen,

"So, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"I just wanted to know what happened at the table a couple of days ago" Lisbon told her, following her, "You know, with you, Palermo and the baby question?"

Phoenix felt her heart stop for a second but just carried on walking to the kitchen.

"Oh yeah?" She asked.

She can't believe that Lisbon is asking her such a personal question. I mean, she wasn't offended or mad, just surprised.

"Yeah. Well, I could see that when Palermo said that you weren't going to have a baby, you thought a completely different thing" Lisbon told her, as her and Phoenix finally reached the kitchen, "I just wanted to see if you were okay. I know things like that can really affect relationships"

"U-Um, yeah, I'm fine and yes, I know that things like that can affect relationships but I don't want a baby...well, not for at least two or three years--and definitely not before a heist so it's not exactly a ginormous problem at the minute" Phoenix answered, a little edgy, while putting a glass of milk in the microwave.

"Well, I guess that is true but what will happen when those few years are up and you really do want a baby, like, badly, and he thinks different. What will you do then?" Lisbon asked her.

"I don't know and it's not exactly my biggest problem at the minute. Rio is being tortured in a different country and the rest of us are worrying about loosing our lives in this heist so I think the last thing on my mind right now would be getting pregnant!" Phoenix shouted, annoyed and mad that Lisbon was sticking her nose into her private and personal business.

"I'm sorry" Lisbon apologised, feeling a little embarrassed and bad.

"You should be! God, it's like you want us to break up" Phoenix shouted at her, angry, while staring her right in the eyes.

"That wasn't my intention at all! I just wanted to see if you were okay because I know women can get really upset over not being able to have a baby!" Lisbon shouted, defending herself.

"Yeah, well, not me" Phoenix told her, while she got the glass of milk out of the microwave and giving Lisbon a fake smile.

She then left the kitchen and went back to her room, leaving Lisbon to feel upset and a little angry.

Phoenix then placed the glass of milk infront of Palermo and he looked at her kinda shocked.

She then went behind him, while he was sat on his chair, and wrapped her arms around him, while giving im a tiny kiss on the neck.

"C'mon, baby. I know you're tired, I can see it in your eyes" She said, softy.

Palermo then picked up the glass of warm milk and drank it all, considering it was for him. He then stood up and picked up Phoenix, holding her up with his hands placed on her ass.

He then laid her down on the bed and hovered over of her. He then kissed her, softy, and then when he pulled away, Phoenix noticed that he had a milk mustache.

She giggled in awe and then placed a hand upon his cheek and wiped it away with her thumb.

"You're so cute" She giggled, blushing a little.

"Oh yeah" Palermo smiled and then kissed her again.

Phoenix then giggled a little more and then pushed Palermo, gently, off of her and laid him next to her.

She then turned off the lamp and then snuggled up to him, resting her head against his chest.

"I love you" He told her, kissing her head.

"I love you more" She told him, smiling, lovingly.

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