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New day, new problem. And my god, was that saying right. Unfortunately, for the gang, they had lost contact with The Professor. This was horrifying because the police was going to enter but because they had lost their guardian angel, they didn't know when or where. This had resulted in Palermo thinking that right now, the best thing they could do was use violence to protect themselves; and that's what he was trying to get the rest of the gang to agree with him on right now.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, they're coming in! And we all know what that means, don't we?" Palermo announced.

Right now, the whole gang was stood in the library, listening to Palermo's big announcement. All of them felt frightened and upset. They never wanted to turn to violence to protect themselves but at the moment, it seemed like it would be the only way to save their lives.

"I'd love to give you more information but sadly, we don't have it. So, there's only one thing to do. Use violence as a deterrent." Palermo told them, turning around.

He then ripped away a big sheet from the table behind him and revealed a bunch of ammunition.

"Did that order come from The Professor? Because I know he would try and buy time; this would never be The Professor's plan!" Tokyo told the gang, irritated and upset.

"Look, Miss Trigger-happy, we lost contact with The Professor. So, I'm in charge now" Palermo told her.

"And where will you launch missiles when you don't know where they will enter!" Tokyo shouted, her temper beginning to grow short.

"You just think that if we use violence, they won't give you Rio back" Palermo told her, irritated and serious.

Tokyo then gave him a dirty look.

"They're going to burn us with Napalm!" Palermo shouted, angry and annoyed, "What the fuck is wrong with you!? Wake up, for fuck's sake!"

Phoenix and Bogotá were the first ones to grab ammo. Followed by Helsinki, Stockholm, Denver and then Nairobi.

"You knew this might happen, Tokyo" Denver told her.

Everyone then got geared up and left the room leaving Tokyo to scream; Angry, Upset, Irritated and Stressed.


A few minutes afterwards:

"Palermo! Palermo, do you copy!? They're pumping in narcotic gas"

"Professor, its Tokyo"

Ten minutes later:

The police were inside and searching the Bank for the Dalis, but all they could find were hostages. Well, that was until they came across Phoenix and Tokyo, shooting at them, with shields dressed as dalis. They tried to turn back but that just made them face Helsinki, who came out of the lift. That then led them to a room, which surrounded them with lasers.

That only put the police in a bit of a panic, now nervous and not knowing what to do.

Turns out the only thing The Proffesor's gang needed to protect themselves was... ammunition and oxygen.

"How are we doing, Suárez?" Palermo asked, through a speaker.

The officers then looked around, frantic and shocked, as they heard beeps from a bomb.

"We're surrounded by RDX plastic explosive!" One of the officers announced, worried.

"Precisely!" Palermo said, "More then 40 kilograms spread across seven charges. I don't imagine I have to explain to you what will happen if you touch one of these laser beams. So, I would recommend..."

A Nuclear Warhead? - Palermo and PhoenixWhere stories live. Discover now