P16:Sergio and Raquel's fight

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It was now 11 o, clock at night and Sergio and Raquel were in their room. Sleeping, no. Planning, no. Arguing, yes. Arguing about what you ask? Well, about Phoenix, actually. About her coming into the heist.

Raquel Murillo, here, was telling The Professor that Phoenix was unable to come into the heist because she is pregnant but Sergio Marquina, here, was disagreeing with her.

"What the fuck do you mean you gave her permission to go into the Bank!?" Lisbon asked, angry.

"She came here earlier and she told me she was pregnant but was still going into the heist. She came here for my permission but if I said no, she wasn't giving up without a fight." Sergio told her, trying to keep calm.

"A-And what, you just said yes!?" Raquel asked him.

"As soon as she said she was pregnant I was going to tell her that she could no longer go into the Bank but she began explaining all of the reasons why she should go in and I couldn't say no" Sergio told her, annoyed.

"Yes, you could! You could always say no! You are in charge here, are you not? If she came for permission, she knew you could say no!" Raquel told him, mad.

"Everything she said was true. After what she said, there was no reason why I should have said no"

"She's pregnant! Is that a big enough reason for you!? You are just letting her go in there because all you care about is your perfect plan. You couldn't care less about that girl or what happens to her, just if your perfect plan goes right, that's all you care about!" Raquel shouted at him.

"That isn't true! María was a big part of my brother's life and he loved her so much and because of that, I will protect her at all costs! But! But not only that! She is also a big part of my life! She has been there for me since the day I met her and I trust her with my life and she trusts me with hers and I am not ready to betray that trust!" The Professor shouted at her, angry.

"Then how come you are letting her go in?" Raquel questioned.

"W-We need her. She is the second most important person that is going in there, after Palermo. She is incharge of getting the gold out of there and without her we are fucked" The Professor told her, stubbornly.

"Why can't you just replace her?" Lisbon asked him, challengingly.

"There's no time! There's no time. We have two days until the heist and Nairobi and Bogotá only know so much. Phoenix has been working on the heist since the beggining. She knows every dot and every detail about getting the gold out and because of that, there is nobody better for the job than her. If I knew she was going to fall pregnant before the heist I would have prepared Nairobi in her place but I didn't and now, I can't do anything about it"

"You normally have a Plan B for everything" Raquel told him.

"Not for this one" Sergio told her.

Raquel then sighed and then looked Sergio back in the eyes,

"Fine, but if anything happens to her, you are going to feel guilty for the rest of your life, and there is no going back from that"

Lisbon then walked out of the room, shutting the door with a slam, leaving her boyfriend feeling angry and wondering if he made the right decision for Phoenix.

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