P15:Getting The Professor's permission

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When the celebration between the girls was over, Phoenix and Stockholm decided to go and find The Professor to ask his permission for Phoenix to be able to go into the heist. Phoenix was nervous but figured it would be best if she told him before anyone else.

Stockholm was nervous for her. She got why Phoenix wanted to come into the heist, mainly because she was a mother too. When your a mother, you don't stop being other things. She knew that Phoenix wanted to be there for her family and that even though she was pregnant, she still wanted to help. But at the same time, she didn't know if it was the best thing for Phoenix, she doesn't dare to think what would happen to her if she got hurt in there. But she knew The Professor would make the right decision for her, so she calmed down a little.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Stockholm asked her best friend.

"Yes. He is going to end up finding out before the heist anyway, considering you, Tokyo, Denver, Niarobi, Lisbon and Palermo already know. It will be better if I tell him first because then I can try and persuade him into letting me go before someone else tries to persuade him not to" Phoenix told her, "I know it sounds bad that I want to go in but I am needed there and without me, the plan could go to shit. I will be careful though, I promise"

Stockholm then slightly nodded.

Finally, they reached The Professor's room and Phoenix prepared herself to knock. She then quickly did knock but they burst through the door right afterwards to find a shocked Professor, in the middle of the room, in stripy, blue grampa pyjamas.

"Professor, I have to tell you something!"

"An-And what is that, Phoenix" He asked her, turning his body to face her whilst her pushed up his glasses.

"I'm pregnant-"

The Proffesor's face then turned from neutral to surprised and before he could say anything, Phoenix carried on talking.

"I'm two months along, I think, but I still want to go into the heist, I havent even got a bump yet. I am needed in there and I guess you could put someone in my place but there is nobody better for the job than me and we need the best people we can get in there, Professor. Also, it wouldn't be fair if you didn't send me in because I have been planning this heist for years with you, Martín and Andrés. It won't be the same without me. Plus, I'm not going to sit back and let all my friends go in there without me when I know I can help them. I don't look like an elephant and I don't have swollen ankles so I am still caple of doing anything!"

Afterwards, Phoenix took a breath and waited for Sergio to reply.

"Well...?" She asked him.

"You can go in"


"Yes. It is very early pregnancy and we do really need you in the Bank. Plus, after everything you just said, if I say no I know you will blow my head off"

"That's true" Phoenix told him, going up to hug him, "Thank you, I love you so much, you know that, right?"

This puts a smile on Sergio's face. He then pulls out of the hug and tells her, seriously,

"I know. But María, you have to promise me you will be careful in there, and I mean that. I don't want you to take any big risks or do anything stupid. I-If anything was to happen to you, I-I don't know what I'd do"

This then puts a smile on Phoenix's face.

"I will, I promise, Sergio"

Sergio then kisses her forehead and asks what Martín said about the baby.

Phoenix then goes silent and her face drops. She then scoffs and rolls her eyes and that's when The Professor knew that it wasn't a very good reaction.

Phoenix was then about to leave but The Professor stops her by saying,


"Yes, Professor" Phoenix asked, turning her head around, a little confused.

"Congratulations! Andrés would be very proud of you both" He told her, with smile.

This shocks Phoenix but puts a heart-warming smile on her face.

"Thank you, Proffesor" She says, barely in a whisper.

She then gently closed the door and left.

Her and Monicá then both looked at eachother and smiled, happily. They then both gave eachother an excited hug.

Afterwards, Monicá also makes Phoenix promise her something.

"You also have to promise me that you will be careful too. If you need anything I am here, don't be going to do anything stupid or I will shoot you myself"

Phoenix then smiles and says,

"I promise"

Stockholm then smiles back.

"Are you sleeping with me and Denver tonight?"

"If you wouldn't mind"

"Of course not, let's go"

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