P11:The pregnancy test

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*Throwing up noises*

Arched over the toilet again, throwing her guts out into the bowl. This has happened to Phoenix many times this month and she knew exactly why. She just didn't want to tell anyone. She was too afraid.

Phoenix had not long gotten out of the shower. She had blow dried her hair and gotten dressed and now, she wanted to brush her teeth and put on her skin care. Her and the gang were having a party tonight to celebrate them all getting back together, she was so excited.

She arose from the floor of her on suite and made her way over to the sink. She picked up her toothbrush and as she was about to pick up her toothpaste, she heard,

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

Coming from her bedroom door.

Phoenix turned her head to the door, staring at it for a couple of seconds, and then turned her head back to put back the toothpaste and toothbrush to their original places.

She walked over to the door and opened it and outside was Denver, with a face of guilt and worry.

"Hey, Denver. What's up?" Phoenix asked Denver, confused.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked her.

"Yeah, sure, come in. Palermo's out with The Proffesor" Phoenix welcomed, signaling Denver to come in.

He, gladly, did so and made his way inside Phoenix's assigned room.

"So, what did you wanna ask me?" Phoenix asked him, going back into the on suite to brush her teeth.

She left the door open so Denver could see her.

Denver took a seat at the end of the bed and then began to tell his friend why he was here.

"I just wanted to ask you who you agree with. Me or Stockholm?"

"Huh?" Phoenix asked, turning her head to look at Denver as she was picking up her toothbrush again.

"You remember that argument the other night that me and Stockholm had. Well, I want to know who you agree with. Everybody is telling me that I was wrong and that I shouldn't have spoke to her like that but they didn't understand what I actually meant. They didn't understand why I was asking her to stay here"

"Why did you want her to stay here?" Phoenix asked, just before she put her toothbrush into her mouth.

"B-Because-Because...I don't want Cincinnati to go through the same thing I have to. God dammit, Phoenix, I lost my father in a heist, I don't want the same thing to happen to him. I would jump infront of a bullet for Stockholm, she knows I would and that's exactly why I didn't want her in there. If anything was to happen to her, I would save her from it and because of that, Cincinnati won't have a father anymore and trust me, it doesn't feel great." Denver explained.

Phoenix spat the toothpaste from her mouth and put her toothbrush back. After, she turned to Denver with a face full of sympathy.

She then wiped her mouth with a small towel and then made her way over to her friend. She took a seat beside him on the bed and looked him right in his dismal eyes.

"Does Stockholm know you feel this way?" Phoenix asked him.

"No, she never gave me the chance to tell her and even if I tried now, she still wouldn't let me. Ever since the argument she hasn't really spoke to me. The only time she did, was her birthday but after that she just carried on being cold with me. Now I don't know what to do?"

"Well first, you need to apologise to her...and properly as well. You need to apologise to speaking to her the way you did. It wasn't right, Denver, anybody would agree with me on that one. But!...I know where you are coming from and I understand why you wouldn't want her in the Bank of Spain. It was so hard on you when you're father died and it would be heartbreaking to see Cincinnati go through the same thing. So, apologise and explain yourself to her, like-like how you did just now, and I guarantee you, she will begin to understand. I know Mónica, she is my best friend, and I know once you apologise, explain yourself and actually show you are sorry, she will forgive you" Phoenix told Denver, giving him a heartwarming smile at the end.

He then gave her one back and then said, gratefully,

"Thank you, Phoenix"

"Don't worry about it" Phoenix told him, with a smile, her mood picking back up, "Now get me my moisturiser! My skin is gonna go all hard and wrinkly if you don't"

She then began to giggle and then walked back into the bathroom. Checking herself out in the mirror.

"Okay, okay" Denver chuckled, getting up to go and get Phoenix's moisturiser, "Is it in your makeup bag, on your bedside table?"

"Yes" Phoenix answered, brushing her hair.

Denver nodded and then went over to the lilac makeup bag, placed neatly on top of beautiful Phoenix's bedside table. He unzipped it and began searching for her sweet smelling moisturiser. But before he could find it he laid his eyes upon something more shocking, something more worrying.

A pregancy test.

A positive one.

And it belonged to nobody other than Phoenix.

For a couple of seconds, Denver stared at it in complete shock, that was until Phoenix snapped him back into reality with a,

"Denver? Did you find it?"

Denver then quickly hesitated. He shoved the pregnancy test into his pocket and rapidly pulled out Phoenix's moisturiser from the bag. He then zipped it back up and then fast walked into the bathroom to hand Phoenix what she asked for.

She then looked at him and smiled when she took her moisturiser from him.

"Thank you" She said.

"No problem. Hey, I have to-to go but I will definitely see you later, okay!?" Denver said, loudly and awkwardly, touching his head because of his nervousness.

"Okay" Phoenix agreed, still smiling at him but feeling confused.

"Thanks for the advice, by the way, and I promise, I will definitely talk to Mónica, even if she threatens to shoot me!" Denver told her, opening the door.

"Okay. Good luck" Phoenix giggled.

Denver then smiled and then said,

"See you later, Phoenix"

"Bye" Phoenix smiled.

Denver then left, shutting the door behind him. Phoenix then shook her head, giggling, and then carried on readying herself for the night ahead of her.

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