Sibling Rivalry

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After school in the gardens. Vivaldi and Alice are in the pond splashing water.

Vivaldi: You glad that we won?

Alice: I guess? I don't know if I can perform in front of the school.

Vivaldi: You'll do fine. We need to find you something to wear!

Alice: A party dress?

Vivaldi: No, a performing dress! I can wear my Queen dress.

Alice: I don't know?

Vivaldi: Come on. I already picked one out.

Alice: If you really want me to wear it.

Vivaldi: Great. Let's go try it on.

Vivaldi pulls Alice, but runs into Blood.

Vivaldi: What are you doing here? This is my part of the garden.

Blood: Alice said she was coming to my tea party. I came to fetch her.

Alice: I forgot. I'll be right there.

Blood: Just walk with me.

Vivaldi: You can't take Alice away that easy.

Blood: I believe I just did.

Blood grabs Alice and pulls Alice behind him.

Vivaldi: Think twice little brother.

Vivaldi pulls out a gun.

Vivaldi: Now, I would like Alice back with me.

Blood pulls out a gun.

Blood: Think twice sis.

Alice: You guys pulled out your guns! What if someone saw you? Put them back!

Blood: Don't you like it when people fight for you Princess?

Alice: Blood. You know what I like, better than anyone. Better than Peter.

Vivaldi: Do as she says Blood. You seem to take orders from people younger than you.

Alice: Vivaldi!

Vivaldi: Don't raise your voice at me. Alice is coming with me.

Rabbit Peter: NO!

Rabbit Peter pops out of the bush.

Rabbit Peter: Alice my love.

Alice: How long have you been here?

Peter: I just came by to get you. I want to play with you. Why spend your time with crummy leaders when you could have fun with me!

Peter dives on Alice and hugs Alice.

Vivaldi: Back off rabbit. Alice is mine.

Alice: You guys need to learn to share. You can't just take me whenever you want.

Alice pushes Peter away.

Peter: But Alice...

Alice: I'm going to my room!

Alice runs off crying.

Peter: What did you do?

Blood: She was fine until you came.

Peter: You wish, but I know she's upset about you guys. Stop pulling out your guns. ALICE MY LOVE!

Peter runs after Alice.

Vivaldi: The rabbit's right you know.

Blood: How so. You're actually listening to your Prime Minister.

Vivaldi: When it comes to Alice, yes. He knows everything about her. If anyone, he could make her happy.

Blood: I see your point.

Vivaldi: Alice does love him. Just Peter shows his love way too much.

Blood: I think you're falling in love with the rabbit by the way you speak of him.

Vivaldi: Where would you get an idea like that? 

Vivaldi and Blood walk through the garden together back to the house

Back to Wonderland (Heart no kuni no Alice fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora