Cat Crush

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Mansion at the dinner table.

Ace: Alice just talk to me.

Alice: Peter how was your day.

Ace: I don't work for anyone anymore. I don't want to be the bad guy.

Boris: Just shut up Ace. Can't you see Alice doesn't like you anymore?

Peter: Well Alice, Vivaldi and Sibyl are friends.

Vivaldi: She threw a dodgeball at Ramin after he hit me.

Mary: They're nice kids. Can't wait to see what they come up with.

Boris: You're not a real teacher.

Mary: Sorry cat.

Boris: Ug...

Alice: Something wrong Boris?

Boris: Nothing!

Boris leaves the dinner table and storms off. Alice runs after Boris. Alice and Boris are in the hallway.

Alice: You can tell me.

Boris: Nothing you can do.

Alice: Well I can try.

Boris: Girls won't stop staring at me. In reading class, Sibyl sits next to me. She keeps staring at me and it makes me feel weird.

Alice: But people stared at you in Wonderland.

Boris: But those people don't have faces. Her eyes are just weird to look at.

Alice: I thought you would like being the center of attention.

Boris: Only your attention.

Alice: You didn't hear it from me, but she likes you.

Boris: And I like you. Too bad for her.

Alice: Come here kitty.

Boris turns into Cat Boris. Cat Boris hops in Alice's arms. Alice and Cat Boris go back to the dinner table. Blood, Elliot, Dee, and Dum stand up and stand in front of Alice and Cat Boris.

Blood: Alice, come.

Elliot: You're late to tea.

Dee and Dum: Our tea party!

Cat Boris: Can I come?

Elliot: No cats allowed.

Dee: Or mice.

Dum: Or White rabbits.

Blood: Come Alice. 

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