Don't Drop My Heart

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At the mansion everyone is in their Christmas party outfit.

Peter: When will the guest come?

Ace: Anytime now.

Peter: Get back to work Ace.

Ace: I'm on vacation.

Peter: Guard the door.

Ace: Fine.

Ace walks outside and runs off. Alice walks over to Adult Dee and Adult Dum.

Alice: Dee, Dum, you guys look handsome.

Adult Dee: We do, don't we.

Adult Dum: Handsome enough to kiss you. The way Blood does.

Alice: No.

Adult Dee and Adult Dum pin Alice against the wall.

Adult Dee: Come on big sis.

Adult Dum: The great thing about us is you don't have to choose.

Adult Dee: We both love you and we'll share you.

Adult Dum: We're more fun than Boss and Dumb rabbit.

Alice: Get off of me.

Adult Dee and Adult Dum kiss Alice cheek. Elliot walks over.


Adult Dee: We're just having fun with her.

Adult Dum: She loves us, so we're showing our love.

Alice: Elliot get them off of me.

Elliot grabs Adult Dee and Adult Dum and bonks their heads together. Alice is free. Adult Dee and Adult Dum turn into Dee and Dum.

Dee: Elliot you ruined everything.

Dum: It's ok brother. We can take Alice to our room after the party.

Alice: WHAT!?

Dee: We can play with Alice.

Alice: I'm not going to your room.

Dum: Big sis doesn't love us.

Alice: I love you boys, but I'm going to your bed after the party.

Alice walks away and runs into Boris. Boris catches Alice.

Alice: Thanks Boris.

Boris: Hello Alice. You look beautiful tonight.

Alice: Why thank you.

Boris: I was waiting for you. What took you so long? You okay?

Alice: Bloody Twins.

Dee and Dum run over to Alice and Boris.

Dee: What!? Mind your own business, Boris!

Dum: You're just a damn cat!

Vivaldi walks in.

Vivaldi: And the two of you are just children, yet so vulgar. If it weren't for the cat, your heads would surely be rolling.

Boris: Hold on, your majesty, calm down. I didn't do anything. I just made sure Alice was okay.

Vivaldi: You're correct. The Cat earns our forgiveness.

Cat food is behind Vivaldi.

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