Hatter Tea Party

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Mafias garden at the tea party table. Alice, Blood, Elliot, Dee, and Dum are sitting at the table.

Alice: You guys excited for Prom?

Elliot: Two girls have already asked me. Had to say no.

Alice: Why?

Elliot: Because I want to stay with you.

Alice: You should go with them.

Elliot: They remind me of faceless, except with faces.

Dee: We're excited big sis.

Dum: We're going as adult. So we're able to dance.

Dee and Dum: And kiss you!

Alice: Sorry, but you're going to have to stay as kids, or people will get confused.

Blood: Do you have your dress?

Alice: I do. You already saw it.

Blood: Oh yes. The one I picked out.

Alice: That one.

Elliot: We better get our song ready. Right Boss?

Dee: I want to go to the circus!

Dum: Will it be like Jokers?

Alice: I don't think so. People don't get turned into stuffed animals here.

Dee: Remember when you were in it.

Dum: And Ace and Boss were fighting.

Dee: Then Boss saved your life.

Alice: Um...

Dum: Boss loves that story.

Alice: He does. Because he's actually the hero in that one.

Elliot: Yikes. Boss you need some ice.

Blood: I wasn't the one trapped. I didn't need to save you like I save everyone else.

Alice: At least I care.

Blood: We're able to come back to life Alice. There is nothing to care about.

Alice: Don't say that.

Alice gets up and starts to walk off, but turns around.

Alice: Thank you for the tea party.

Alice leaves.

Elliot: She is something.

Blood: I'm so fond of her. 

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