Joker Card

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Alice wakes up screaming. Blood runs into the room.

Blood: What's wrong!

Alice: Nightmare.

Blood: Did he puke on you?

Alice: He warned me.

Blood: What about.

Vivaldi, Peter, Boris, Ace, Elliot, Dee, Dum, Mary, and Pierce run into Alice's room. Alice gets out of bed.

Vivaldi: Blood! What did you do to her?

Peter: I'll kill you!

Alice: It wasn't his fault.

Boris: Then why did you scream?

Alice: Nightmare told me something.

Ace: What about?

Alice: Joker found a way here.

Elliot: Do you know why he would want to be here?

Dee: He wants Alice.

Dum: Everyone in Wonderland wants her.

Peter: My love, please forgive me for putting you in danger.

Alice: When you brought me to Wonderland, you put me in danger.

Boris: What are we going to do about creepy stalker?

Peter: Yeah!

Boris: And Joker.

Peter: Hey!

Boris: I took the chance, Alice.

Mary: We need to act cool about it. Nothing can harm Alice if we're with her. One of us always needs to be with Alice.

Boris: Ace and I have every class with her, so we can watch her in the day.

Mary: What about the night?

Blood: I could attach our doors.

Alice: That sounds even more dangerous.

Blood: What do you think I will do?

Alice: I'd rather not say.

Blood: You think I'd do that to you?

Alice: Yes.

Blood: Well I know how you feel then.

Alice: That's just a part of it.

Ace: Well, I'm getting some rest. Tomorrow's Halloween and we have to perform our song.

Alice: I totally forgot.

Mary: I'm standing right here.

Alice: Sorry Mr. Gowland.

Pierce: What about me?

Alice: And student teacher.

Pierce: Thank you.

Alice: We all need rest. Sorry for waking you all up.

Vivaldi: It was no trouble.

Peter: I just want you safe.

Vivaldi, Ace, Blood, Elliot, Dee, Dum, Boris, Mary, and Pierce leave Alice's room. Peter turns into Rabbit Peter.

Alice: Something wrong?

Rabbit Peter: It's cold out here.

Alice: You can sleep with me.

Rabbit Peter: Yeah!

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