Chapter 23

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When you exit the bathroom you stop in your tracks, John had gone and he had taken the laptop with him.

Wait, what?

You hear a knock and you yell out that you weren't descent. When you were, you opened the door to come face to face with a young woman, she gave you a big smile.

'Hey! I'm Taylor, I'll be looking af-'.

'Where's John- sorry I didn't mean to inturupt'.

She chuckled, 'all good, ah he's taking care of some business, so he'll no longer be able to look after you'.

You feel something break inside and you find that you've lost your concentration, 'can I come in?' Taylor broke you out of stupor, 'uh yeah! Sorry, haven't well lately'.

'I've some things that can help you if you'd like'.

You thanked her and watched her bring out her beg, 'It's great to be here, I haven't been in these rooms before'.

'Oh, that's interesting, why haven't you been her before? You live here'.

She shrugged, 'I'm usually doing contracts, but I've injured myself, it's not great overly bad, but Winston would rather I fully recover', she extended her arms out, 'so here I am'. 

'So... If I heard you right... John won't ever be coming back?'

She shook her head, 'no sadly, he'll be taking contract from now on', you sat down in teh armchair that he usually sat,

Oh... Okay. 

Taylor seemed to pick up on your expression, 'oh... Were you guys close?'

Pretty damn close...

'Nah, I just got use to him, that's all'.

Taylor laughed, 'ah well, he was with you for a while, anyway! Have you gone to the bar yet?'

You nodded, 'hey, I wouldn'tmind going down there again, if you don't mind', she waved you off, 'no problem for me, let's go'.

Of course you order the same thing as before, you were rudely inturrupted before.

'Oh, you like Moscato? So do I'.

'Yeah, I've only really just started drinking, so my tongue can't really handle red wines, whisky of beer'.

'No shame in that'm

You lifted your glass and clincked it against Taylor's glass, 'cheers to whever's going on right now', you mumble and Talylor laughed.

'Well hello again'.

You look behind to find Sam sitting down next to you with a big smile. 

'Where's John, I was hoping to talk to him?'

Taylor took a swig of her drink, 'he's not here, he's gone out on a track not that long ago'.


'For godsake it's like he's avoiding me'.

Sam rolled his eyes, 'anyway, how're you holding up? Is John looking after-'.

'Taylor's lookking after me now'.

He looked overly confused, 'huh? Why?' Taylor slammed her glass down, 'you got a problem with that buddy?'
You can't help but chuckle, 'some contracts that needed him maybe?' You were glad that what you were kind of right.

'Oh well, well you can do more things now that you're with Taylor.

Really? What else could I do around here?

Sam ordered a drink, 'can you handle whisky?' You made a face and shook your head, 'hell no, I'm gonna pass'.

'Your loss'.

He gulped some of the drink, you liked Sam and Taylor's company, but you missed you John... You missed him a lot...

I Am Wick (John Wick x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now