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Kirishima is talking through his thought process, when he realises something and pauses to ask "Kaminari.. is there a chance you could be dyslexic?"

Kaminari looks up and frowns in confusion "What's that?"

Bakugou: "That... actually makes a lot of sense. Dyslexia is a learning disability, it just means you find some things harder to do and learn how to do."

Kaminari: "Ooh. I don't know, I have ADHD though, so- that reminds me. I was going to see this therapist guy because of the ADHD and stuff, anyway, he had this butterfly on his desk, blue one, really pretty."

Kirishima smiles slightly and nods "Sounds like it, but in that case, I have an idea."

Kirishima stands up and walks to his bag, coming back and sitting down in the chair he pulled to kaminari's desk. He then takes out a folder and opens it, taking out an overlay "Try that."

Kaminari: "It's yellow?"

Kirishima: "Mhm. I have red, yellow, green and blue, but you can try them all and find which one works best for you. For me it's green, so. Maybe that's the same for you. Or maybe not."

He shrugs slightly "It's different for everyone."

Bakugou: "You're dyslexic?"

Kirishima: "Mhm.."

Kaminari: "Oh, cool!"

All might sees what they're doing and smiles slightly, emailing nezu about a possible test for kaminari as they work.

In the end, kaminari ends up sticking with the yellow and does quite well with it, it's working really well for him, so kirishima tells him to keep the overlay as he has spares anyway.

After the lesson, all might stops the three boys and waits for the others to leave, before he says "I saw what you did in class, so I emailed principal nezu and he said that if you wanted, we could give you a test, to see wether you're dyslexic or not and then you can get some extra help in class when these guys can't help you."

Kaminari tilts his head "A test?.... I don't like tests.."

Kirishima: "It's not very much, I promise."

Kaminari looks over to him and then nods slightly and looks back at all might "Ok... fine.. I'll do that then...."

All might smiles and nods, then says "I'll let him know and mr. Aizawa will let you know what's going to happen and when, ok? Off you go boys."

They simply nod and head out, then kaminari suddenly hugs kirishima as they get outside the classroom and kirishima grits his teeth, pain radiating through him, but he forces a smile and hugs him back "Thanks bro."

Kirishima: "Mhm, no problem."

Mina and sero look at them confused and mina tilts her head "What did we miss?"

Bakugou: "Well, kaminari might be dyslexic."

Mina: "You think?"

Kirishima: "Mhm, we think so... all might's going to get a test sorted, said he emailed principal nezu about it."

Mina: "Aren't you dyslexic?"

Kirishima: "Yeah, that's how I knew really."

He lets go of kaminari, who let's go of him in return and then they spot aizawa walk out of the english classroom with mic by his side. But whatever they're talking about seems serious, their faces are completely serious and worried almost.

Then a purple haired boy is revealed to be stood with them, seemingly involved, but silent. His eyes reflecting something kirishima knew all too well.

Not so little omegaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin