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Natsuo: "And I'm not done. One of those donations payed for kayla's treatment. You're all clear. Literally all of it. They were real checks too, we checked, you're all covered by some person with way too much free money on their hands.."

Inko thinks for a moment and then looks over to kirishima, questioning him with a look and is met with the exact same thing he did with natsuo and aiko, putting a finger to his lips and then subtly continuing to drink his coffee.

Kayla frowns in confusion "Why would anyone do that?"

Natsuo shrugs slightly "No idea... some people do it because they've been in a similar situation once or sometimes they're just good people, I don't know. Rare to find in a rich person though."

Kirishima looks up "Should I be offended by that?"

Natsuo looks over "Hey, technically I'm rich too, so I just dissed both of our families."

Kirishima shrugs "Touche."

Then kirishima goes back to playing with aiko's hair, seeing the pain on her face, but yet she insists on smiling through it.

Kayla: "If you're rich, how come you haven't gotten treatment for aiko?"

Kirishima looks up and looks away slightly "...because there isn't any.... just pain killers.."

Hawks' eyes widen slightly and he asks "What?"

Natsuo nods his head slightly "He's right..... she doesn't have something we can cure... like kayla might be able to walk with crutches or a walking frame, even just for a little bit, but aiko... will never be able to do that.."

Aiko scoffs "Jeez, thanks for the reminder."

Natsuo puts his hands up "Sorry."

Aiko chuckles slightly "You're fine."

Natsuo then looks over to kirishima, then says "I looked through your medical records."

Kirishima's head snaps up and he frowns in confusion "Why would you do that?"

Natsuo shrugs "I was curious."

Kirishima pouts "That's not a good excuse."

Bakugou: "Why? Find anything interesting?"

Natsuo shrugs "Not exactly interesting, just surprising. And I'm not talking about second genders and stuff, though I could've used a warning by the way."

Kirishima rolls his eyes slightly and says "Then don't look through my medical records."

Aiko sighs and puts her head back "You know, he got a nickname in middle school, known as the 'sick kid'. Kinda just stuck."

Kirishima: "Pfft. I'm not sick anymore though, am I?"

Aiko raises an eyebrow "Or are you?"

Kirishima: "That's not funny."

Natsuo: "Childhood cancer is cruel..."

Inko crosses her arms and sighs slightly "God, that was a long time ago..."

Kirishima hums and nods "Mhm... definitely was."

Natsuo: "3 years isn't really what I classify as a long time.."

Kirishima shrugs "I choose to."

Natsuo shrugs "Fair."

Then he says "Alright, I've gotta go check on some others, I'll be back for aiko in a minute."

He turns and walks out, then kirishima looks over to aiko, who pouts slightly and says "You know, I miss wheelchair racing, used to make the nurses mad, but that was fun."

Not so little omegaWhere stories live. Discover now