Time skip

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(Because I couldn't think of anything and I'm lazy, todoroki and midoriya asked kirishima and bakugou out and of course, they agreed on the relationship. Mr. Aizawa understands this and says that they can have a day off each. Todoroki gets monday off, but still helps kirishima with his home learning, bakugou still has the Wednesday off and kirishima doesn't have to do work that day either as it's his rest day and finally, midoriya gets friday off and helps kiri with his work, but has none to do himself. They all get rest days as the weekend isn't much of a rest for them and principal nezu agreed that it was a good idea.)

Kirishima is now 13 weeks and going for his first scan!

Kiri's bump now:

Waking up that morning, kirishima isn't throwing up as often now, which is good

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Waking up that morning, kirishima isn't throwing up as often now, which is good. He is showing quite a bit though and inko pointed that out as well as some others, natsuo said it could be that there is just more amniotic fluid and therefore the bump is bigger or even twins or triplets. You never know until the scan.

Kirishima goes down with the others for breakfast as the managed to get an appointment on saturday instead of a week day. They only managed to do it because they're still in school and natsuo helped by mentioning the donation and that he was a doctor and todoroki is his brother. He also made sure to get an accepting doctor too, which helps them a lot, they all thanked him for that.

Inko smiles "Good luck at the scan today boys, hopefully we'll find out wether it's the amniotic fluid or more then one."

Kirishima sits back "Mhm, hopefully."

They get a call from the bakusquad and answer it after breakfast, the appointment is in about 2 hours from now, so they have a little time to spare. The bakusquad are the only students that know about their relationship so far, but they will tell anyone who asks, just, not many people ask.

Mina: "Hey boys! How's everything? How're you holding up kiri?"

Kirishima chuckles slightly "A lot less sickness, which is nice.."

Mina smiles and they all cheer, minus shinsou who smiles instead, then kaminari asks "How's the relationship going? You guys getting closer?"

They look at eachother and then nod in agreement, then they continue to talk until they have to leave for the appointment, agreeing to call them after and update them on what happens.

Walking down to the train station, they say goodbye to inko, who walked with them and get onto the train, going to the hospital for the appointment.

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