Woah... are you ok?

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Kirishima looks at him, his eyes lined with tears ready to spill over and crawl down his face. But his vision soon becomes blurry as they finally do seap over, overflowing his bottom lids as tears slip out of his eyes.

Bakugou realises this and sighs slightly, then walks closer and puts his arms around kirishima, making the red head surprised, but the sadness overtakes that and he quickly hugs back. His tears starting to dampen bakugou's school shirt, right on the collarbone area, where kirishima's eyes fall on bakugou's height, or rather where his face falls.

Allowing them to sit on the floor, bakugou sighs slightly, bringing kirishima gently onto his lap, hugging him slightly tighter. Kirishima's ears are pressed back on his head, hiding in his red hair as his tail is tucked in between his legs, they had come out when he was in the bathroom stall as he couldn't control it. But now it's starting to wrap around bakugou's waist, pulling himself closer to the warmth, his ears still pressed firmly against his skull.

Bakugou decides to let his ears and tail show, the school uniform is specially designed to let them have their tails out without compressing it or having to put a whole in the trousers for their tail. His ears are drooping slightly, sadness for the red head evident, but only displayed by his ears and tail, his face continues to stay completely neutral.

The ash blonde's tail wraps gently around the red head's waist, joining his hands, making the red head purr slightly as his whimpers calm down. Eventually, kirishima actually falls asleep, purring softly as he stays in bakugou's arms and lap, tears still slowly slipping from his eyes until he is completely asleep. A small headache from the crying slowly slips away as he sleeps, but is sure to come back as soon as he wakes up.

Sighing slightly, bakugou asks "Kirishima... why'd you run away from mr. Aizawa?"

But as he looks down, he realises that the red head has fallen asleep, guess that saves him the embarrassment of admitting he said kirishima's actual name and not shitty hair as he usually does.

Smiling softly to himself, bakugou hides his ears and tail and stands up with kirishima in his arms, holding him bridal style as he can't think of another way really. Then he heads through to the common area place for the dorms, not too far away to put him on the sofa.

When he gets there, he places kirishima down on the sofa and pulls a blanket over him, but soon feels kirishima take his hand gently in his sleep. Bakugou sighs slightly and gives in, sitting down with him and then laying down with him, kirishima somehow ending up laying on bakugou as he sleeps, bakugou's arms gently wrapped around him.

Wondering how he's ever going to be able to move, bakugou looks around the room and then hears footsteps and looks over to see midnight and all might talking to one another about something and he quietly makes himself known.

Confused, all might and midnight walk over to see the two and midnight smiles slightly "What's up? You've got a kirishima on you."

Bakugou: "I can't move. That's the problem."

All might simply chuckles slightly and nods, then notices the red head's tear stained face and this stops his chuckle and he asks "What happened..?"

Midnight notices the tears after all might asks that and then bakugou says "That's the thing. I don't know. Mr. Aizawa told me, deku, round face and alien bitch to go find him, apparently something happened and it struck a nerve, that's why we were in the bathroom during class time. Now he fell asleep, so... that's how this happened.."

Midnight: "Oh.. that makes sense.... we'll let him know you found him then and where you are, but just stay there. No point in waking him, he looks like he needs the sleep."

Bakugou sighs and simply nods, then says "Fine..."

All might chuckles quietly and says "You'll be fine. I'll tell the others you're here and then you'll be covered until he wakes up."

Then all might and midnight leave, midnight goes to class 1-A and knocks on the door. When she hears aizawa tell her to come in, she opens the door and says "So, we have an update. Bakugou's with kirishima, he found him. But kirishima fell asleep and, well, he can't move without waking him up, so we told him to just let him sleep and stay there. They're in the common room."

Aizawa: "Ah, alright.."

Midoriya: "Thank god for that."

Uraraka nods and then mina nods as well, saying "I looked everywhere, where did he find him?"

Midnight: "A bathroom near the dorm building. Quite a distance from this building actually, he's pretty fast."

Aizawa nods "They both are. Bakugou placed first in the entrance exam, closely followed by kirishima... it makes sense. Bakugou's quirk is explosion, I think, quite strong, don't know just how strong yet though. As for kirishima, I have no idea how strong his hardening quirk is as of yet."

Midnight nods "Interesting.... definitely not people you wanna mess with then I take it. The sports festival will get the top three, but the top 5 are the strongest in the class and so we'll find out who those are, as they'll need the extra training sessions you do for the top 5. It was top 10, but you're a meanie."

Aizawa chuckles slightly "The top 5 do the best after UA usually, that's why."

Yaoyorozu: "Woah.."

Aizawa nods "We've still gotta see how the recommendation students do in the sports festival, see wether our ranks will be altered. That's why the entrance exam isn't as important as the sports festival."

Midnight nods "Alright, I'll leave you be now."

Aizawa nods and then midnight heads out.


Bakugou continued to lay on the sofa for a while until kirishima finally wakes up and hides his ears a tail, putting a hand to his head and indicating the headache he has. Sitting up, bakugou holds him as he does so and then bakugou asks "Do you have a headache?"

Kirishima nods slightly "Mhm.."

Smiling slightly, bakugou says "Ok, do you want some paracetamol or something?"

Kirishima nods sligtly again "Mhm.."

Bakugou then realises his face, cheeks in particular, is slightly warmer then normal. Is he blushing?! No, no, katsuki bakugou does not blush! But kirishima was being pretty cute..... WAIT, WHAT?! Omg, omg, omg, omg-

Kirishima tilts his head and slowly waves a hand in between their faces "Bakugou..? You ok?"

Bakugou snaps out of it and then says "I'm fine, hold on, I'll get you that paracetamol and some water."

Kirishima nods slightly and so bakugou gets up, placing kirishima back on the sofa, then walking into the kitchen to try and find some paracetamol. When he eventually does, he gets one and then a glass of water, returning and giving them to kirishima as he sits next to him.

From then on, their friendship grew and grew, everyone around them saw it, but bakugou always denied their claims of any feelings more then friendship between the two. Always claiming that crushes were for stupid idiots and that of course he doesn't have one. But everytime he said that, kirishima slowly broke inside, it's now kirishima's birthday and the class have decided to throw a halloween themed party for his birthday, since it's kirishima's favourite holiday and Halloween's just around the corner from his birthday.

Mina rushes into kirishima's room and shoves an outfit into his hands "Wear this!! You'd look soo cute!!!"


Chapter 6 done! I'm sorry it's a little shorter then the rest, but I hope you enjoyed anyway! Sorry for the time skip, I hope that's alright with you! Don't worry, I will get to what happens with todoroki, shinsou and kirishima about aizawa's suspicions. Well, they're fact, but anyway, you get the idea. Bye for now! :)

-1342 words

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