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As he's staring at his phone, todoroki comes over to shake him out of it a little and says "Wow.... those hormones are really starting to get to you, huh..?"

Kirishima blinks and looks up, then hums slightly "Guess so.."

He shakes his head slightly and puts his phone away, then he hears his name and he turns to see uraraka. She smiles and comes over, then says "What are you guys doing here?"

Todoroki: "Well, you know why I'm here."

Uraraka nods and then aiko comes out, bringing bakugou and kayla with her.

Kayla: "Wait, so you guys just went up and down this hallway?"

Aiko: "Sure did."

Bakugou looks over and sees uraraka.

Uraraka: "Wow, there's more."

Kirishima: "Oh, aiko, please don't hurt yourself-"

Aiko: "I won't."

She smiles and then says "I'm just going for a- well, not a walk, but a walk. If that makes sense."

She shrugs and kirishima nods "Well ok, but be careful."

She nods and then leads kayla away for their wander around the hospital, then kirishima shakes his head "Guarantee she'll get lost and I'll have to go find 'em. You'd think she'd know her way around."

Bakugou shrugs "They'll be fine, I'm sure."

Uraraka: "Aiko? Who's she?"

Kirishima: "My sister, the one with black hair."

Uraraka nods slightly "And what about the brown haired girl?"

Bakugou: "Ah, my sister, kayla."

Uraraka nods "Ah, makes sense."

Bakugou: "Mhm.."

The rest of the todorokis in the hallway just continue their conversation and then ashton and stephen come back, going inside the room.

Then uraraka goes to see her dad, todoroki, bakugou and kirishima end up talking about something random and then todoroki and the other todorokis are called over by a doctor. They say goodbye to them and decide to go on a walk of their own, letting the others know before hand.

Walking through to the courtyard, kirishima and bakugou sit down, bakugou's jacket ends up on kirishima, kirishima has his head resting on bakugou's shoulder. Bakugou has his arm around him and then kirishima asks "You like todoroki, don't you?"

This question catches bakugou off guard and he looks at his red haired boyfriend "Hmm? Why would you think that?"

Kirishima: "Just a guess. Am I right~?"

Bakugou chuckles slightly and lifts kirishima onto his lap, so he's facing him, then says "Doesn't matter. I told you, I won't do anything you're uncomfortable with and plus, I think he likes deku."

Kirishima chuckles slightly "Well ok, whatever you say."

Bakugou: "Why are you so excited about it?"

Kirishima shrugs slightly, then bakugou asks "Do you like him too?"

Giggling slightly, kirishima puts his hands on bakugou's cheeks "Don't know, maybe," then he smiles as bakugou smiles and connects their lips. As their kiss gets deeper, they hear a gasp and sudden squeal, so they break it and look towards where the squeal was coming from, seeing their two sisters staring at them with wide eyes.

Kayla then suddenly says "I'm telling mum!"

Bakugou stands up, picking kirishima up as he does so, then he says "Not yet. We'll do that sometime."

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