Just 🏳️‍🌈𝑮𝒂𝒚🏳️‍🌈

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When they pull up at inko's driveway again, they get out and todoroki looks around. Inko smiles and leaves him to it as midoriya follows him through and leads him through the house. After taking their shoes off, of course, kirishima and bakugou go back into the livingroom and sit down with the others, kayla being brought in by inko.

She is put down next to them and smiles "Your school's big."

Kirishima looks over and nods slightly, then gets another phone call and looks at the contact to see his father's caller ID. This makes him frown in confusion, his father never calls him, why would he call him?

Sighing slightly, he stands up and ends up sitting in the garden as he answers the call.

"Eijiro. You have 5 minutes to explain to me what the fuck is going on."

Kirishima's eyes widen and then his father hangs up, which confuses him until he hears a knock on the door. His stomach drops and he slowly stands up, walking into the livingroom to see Inko going towards the door.

But who's there surprises him, inko walks in with his brother, sister and mother. Kirishima looks at them all in confusion at first, but then he narrows his eyes as todoroki and midoriya stare in confusion from the doorway.

Kayla is beyond confused, but she does know that's his siblings.

Kiri's mother: "I didn't travel 10 miles to be stared at. Eijiro, come with me."

Kirishima looks at her for a minute, before slowly nodding and following her out of the room and outside the front door.

Kiri's mother sits down on the doorstep and kirishima slowly joins her, then she turns to him "You understand I love you all very much, don't you?"

Kirishima looks away "You have a funny way of showing it."

Kiri's mother sighs slightly and says "Eijiro, your father's too strong for me, I can't fight against him..... but tell me. It hasn't come back, has it..? Because you being off school is starting to scare me."

Kirishima shakes his head "Not that I'm aware of..."

Kiri's mother: "..then what's going on? I understand why you didn't come home, there's no one there to protect you, but.. I can't. Ok? Eijiro, I have to tell you something."

Kirishima looks at her confused, she smiles slightly "..look.... me and your father have been divorced for 5 years now.... I'm.. dating someone else..... we're going to move out. Your siblings are coming with me... and I hope.. that so are you."

Kirishima stares at her for a moment, before tilting his head and asking "Who..? Is.. he nice....?"

Kiri's mum smiles slightly "She's very nice..."

Kirishima's eyes widen "She? Ah... ok."

Then kiri's mother realises something and her ears and tail form as she sniffs eijiro, her eyes point and she asks "Who's scent is that's?"

Kirishima blushes slightly and rubs the back of his neck nervously, trying to avoid the question. His mother's ears and tail disappear and she says "Alright, don't tell me. But from that reaction I know you either like them or are already dating."

Puffing out his cheeks slightly, he pouts and says "Meanie.."

Kiri's mum: "Maybe. But... how about it? I'm buying the house saturday... you can meet her before then though, she has the day off on friday."

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