The twins

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Bakugou: "Oh yeah?"

Natsuo hums and nods "Yep. The trouble is, they're the only person I know with the blood type, you're right, it is the rarest type. But I'm sure he'll do it, I mean, you know shoto, he'll probably just shrug and give you his arm."

Bakugou hums in agreement "True.."

Natsuo chuckles slightly "That is, unless you can find someone else, but that'll be hard unless one of kirishima's parents have the same blood type, I'd expect one of them do."

Bakugou thinks for a moment "Maybe, but his mother said she didn't."

Natsuo: "Oof, probably his dad then."

Natsuo moves over to masaru and gets another blue rubber band, telling bakugou to undo his. Bakugou does and natsuo takes it back, then gets a new needle, having put the old on in the bin and labelled the blood tube with bakugou's blood in it.

He then turns back to natsuo "You tried shigaraki? Or a sibling?"

Bakugou: "No, but we probably shouldn't, kiri's mother said she didn't know anyone else with that blood type and I know for a fact she knows at least ashton and aiko's."

Natsuo hums and nods "She does, I believe aiko's O positive and same for ashton, I think that's what she is too, don't know... sharp scratch."

He slides the needle into masaru's skin and then gets the blood into a tube, doing the same thing as he did with bakugou, then puts the cotton ball things on each of their arms with some medical tape to absorb any blood.

Natsuo: "Alright, I'll have the results with you in a few minutes, but yeah, if they aren't, call shoto."

Bakugou: "Mhm... will do."

Masaru nods and stands up, then they walk out and say a goodbye, masaru saying thank you as well. Then they go back to the room with everyone else inside, seeing everyone look up as they walk in and sit down.

Mitsuki: "A nurse came in and said they can't take his blood because he's already lost too much."

Bakugou: "Mhm.... I'm not surprised.."

Masaru: "Natsuo did say they'd probably say that."

Bakugou sits back in his chair "I guess so. I guess it's fine though."

Masaru hums slightly and then they talk for a few minutes and natsuo walks in and says "So... blood test results. We have masaru is B positive and bakugou you are actually AB positive, which is sad because it's so close... sorry."

Mitsuki: "Oof... that hurts."

Natsuo: "Now.... do you want me to call shoto or will you do it?"

Bakugou: "No.. I got it."

He stands up and natsuo nods, then walks out, so bakugou walks out after him and closes the door, scrolling through his contacts and getting to icy-hot and clicking on his contact.

~with class 1-A~

When aizawa is teaching, he had told everyone close to kirishima or bakugou to keep their phones on loud incase either bakugou, kirishima or the hospital phone, so they all have their phones on loud. Principal nezu also approved of this for their close friends.

Suddenly, todoroki's phone starts to ring and that grabs everyone's attention immediately as he picks it up "Bakugou.."

Aizawa: "Ok, go answer it."

He nods and walks out of the classroom, then answers the phone "Bakugou? What is it, I'm in the middle of class, is it important? How did it go..?"

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