Birthday boy ❤

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Mina has handed kirishima a little red riding hood costume, this is actually her attempt to get bakugou and kirishima together finally. The bakusquad now know that kirishima is an omega and they're all cool with it and agreed to keep it a secret and everything. They even agreed to protect him if needed, of course, they would have wether they knew or not, but it just helps that they do know.

Kirishima looks at the outfit and sighs slightly "Fine, ok... I'll wear it. But why? It shows off way too much of my.... slightly more feminine figure."

Mina sighs "You'll be fine! Kami and sero are wearing skirts, it can be a theme for you three!"

Kirishima smiles slightly "Ok, fine."

Mina smiles brightly "Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Now go get dressed, and wear your hair down!"

She then runs out of the room to go get bakugou and throw a costume at him too, making him and kirishima match. Bakugou as the big bad wolf and kirishima as little red riding hood, it kind of suits them too, their personalities.

Bakugou eventually agrees after mina teases him about his incredibly obvious crush on the red head and that everyone but kirishima can see it. Maybe not todoroki or kaminari, because they are really dense too, but definitely everyone else!

Shinsou has now joined class 1-A too after a lot of complaining from the class and mr. Aizawa and mic on how the entrance exam wouldn't have worked for his quirk and everything like that. So he's been adopted by the bakusquad as well and sero and kaminari have put him in a vampire outfit with a skirt to match them. Shinsou seems pretty chill about the whole thing, so he's a cool person to hang out with, even bakugou respects that.

Mina then runs to go and check on the three boys, seeing they've put shinsou in a skirt and she chuckles "You guys look great! I got kiri and bakugou to wear the outfits, so yay!"

Shinsou and todoroki are pretty much the same, except todoroki's more dense then shinsou and he gets more sleep then shinsou too. But other then that, basically the same person.

Kirishima hasn't really told anyone about his birthday, so he expects no one to know, but midoriya told mina and mina kind of leaked it to the whole class. So now they all are aware and are also aware kirishima doesn't know that they know it's his birthday, so they stay quiet about it until the party.

Mina walks into kiri's room and then takes his hand, pulling him out of his room and looking him up and down "Nice! Come on!"

Kirishima chuckles slightly "Ok, ok. I'm coming."

She pulls him along the corridor and into kaminari's room, sero and shinsou also in his room, waiting for him.

Kaminari looks up "Woah, would you look at you!" Then he pouts and says "Wish I could pull off something like that."

Shinsou looks over to him and rolls his eyes slightly "You are. You literally are."

Kirishima chuckles "You got shinsou to join you guys too?"

Sero: "Only person we couldn't was bakugou, but that was expected."

Kirishima: "True."

Then there's a knock on the door and midoriya and uraraka walk in, midoriya stealing kirishima because kirishima knows he knows it's his birthday and kind of assumed uraraka knows too.

Midoriya pulls him into his dorm and then looks him up and down "Nice outfit! Anywaysssss, happy birthday!"

He goes and gets a present from his side and uraraka hands him a choker, it's red and goes with his outfit. So as she puts it on and makes sure that it fits, midoriya comes back and hands kirishima the present.

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