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Bakugou: "That doesn't answer my question."

Midoriya rubs the back of his neck slightly and says "...he's ok.. but he's in recovery girl's room.. our dorms won't be repaired for a while and there's no way he's going home. Mr. Aizawa said he will take him in if he has to.."

Inko: "In that case you both might as well come here. Todoroki, what's his second gender again?"

Midoriya: "Beta."

She nods "I can set up a blow up bed in your room, he won't react too much to your scent, so.... or, if he let's you, you can share with kirishima and those two can share the guest room. It's up to todoroki and kirishima really."

Bakugou rolls his eyes at inko's comment about him letting kirishima stay with midoriya, then inko asks "Do you want me to take you back?"

Kirishima stirs slightly and finally wakes up with a slight yawn "Hmm... midoriya? What's going on..?"

Bakugou: "Endeavour's alive and todoroki's in recovery girl's room. Deku and his dorms are destroyed apparently."

Midoriya nods slightly as kirishima looks over to him "Oh..." he blinks slightly "Is he alright..?"

Midoriya nods slightly and says "Just some... injuries, nothing too serious though.. he broke his wrist though... natsuo and fuyumi are on their way to the school and um... because they have video evidence now, they've got endeavour in a containment cell for the time being.."

Kirishima nods slightly "...that's good.."

Midoriya nods and then inko asks "So... shall I take you back?"

Midoriya: "Yes please, I've gotta get what isn't ruined from my room... I think someone else has already done todoroki-kun's for him.."

Inko nods and then kirishima and bakugou look at eachother, then back at the two and inko says "Yes, you can come," as if reading their minds.

They nod and stand up, kayla ends up coming as well as mitsuki and masaru wait for them to come back.

When they reach the school, they park and then get out, going into the school grounds and seeing mr. Aizawa waiting for midoriya and seeing them all.

Mr. Aizawa: "So..?"

Midoriya nods "He can stay."

Inko smiles slightly and nods, then mr. Aizawa looks at kirishima and bakugou, greeting them and then he turns to kayla and tilts his head, when suddenly she cries slightly and inko catches her before she can fall.

Kirishima: "'ve got a limit, huh..?"

Bakugou: "Come here... I've got you.."

Bakugou takes his sister and picks her up, taking all the pressure away from her back and then aizawa asks "..who's she then?"

Bakugou: "My sister... she is supposed to be on crutches or a walking frame for only up to 5 hours a day and then back to a wheelchair. Her time's up. My dad's got the wheelchair and we didn't think to bring it."

Kirishima: " ok?"

He goes behind bakugou to face her and she smiles slightly and nods, then aizawa says "Hold on, we have wheelchairs. Just follow me."

They all nod and follow him, inko picking up the crutches and following them all inside, being granted access, kayla as well. Going up to recovery girl's office, they see natsuo and fuyumi there already and go inside, putting kayla in a wheelchair the school has there.

Kirishima hasn't been noticed by anyone who isn't in or near recovery girl's room because everyone is in the dorms. Except todoroki, natsuo and fuyumi, the staff not included and even then, that's just mr. Aizawa, principal nezu and recovery girl.

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