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They ignore this and go upstairs, deciding to talk this out between themselves.

Todoroki: "....I'm sorry... but... I don't think I'm stable enough for a relationship right now..... I.. hope you understand.. and..... I'm just going to go.."

They watch as todoroki slowly stands up and kirishima takes his wrist, then stands up and hugs him "I understand... do what you need to.."

Bakugou stands up and nods slightly, then says "..what he said."

Todoroki smiles slightly and nods, then kisses them both on the cheek as he usually would, slowly turning and walking out of the room. He didn't bother taking his things with him and instead just puts his shoes back on and walks out, not saying a word to anyone in the livingroom, watching as he does so.

Natsuo sighs and lowers his head "...I'm taking it he did then...."

Dabi nods slightly "...I think so.."

Mitsuki: " we're back to square 1 now..? I suppose at least neither of them have bailed.... yet.".

Masaru shakes his head "..I doubt they will...... it's quite obvious they had a stronger connection then the others did... because they had more time to build one... it'll take more then this to tear those two apart.."

Shigaraki: "....that's true.."

Kayla: "..and thank god for it..."

~back with kiribaku~

Kirishima is snuggled up to bakugou, his head resting softly on bakugou's chest, both of them in silence as bakugou holds onto kirishima like if he let's go, he'll loose him too. Looking up slightly at bakugou, he looks into his eyes and says "...bakugou.... promise you'll never leave me... please.."

Bakugou smiles slightly, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes, then he nods and says "I promise red, I promise..."

Kirishima smiles slightly and then leans up and kisses him softly, then moves back down and slowly falls asleep in bakugou's arms.

~at UA~

Todoroki walks in with his head low and then he hears a familiar, monotone voice and looks up.

Aizawa: "...what did you do todoroki..?"

Todoroki shakes his head slightly "...I couldn't cope..... I'm not in a stable enough position for a relationship right now.... I need.. time to think things through.."

Aizawa nods "....and you told them that?"

Todoroki nods "Of course..."

Aizawa nods "Good... go get some sleep.."

He nods and goes to his dorm room, then lays down and slowly falls asleep.

In the morning, todoroki gets up and gets dressed, then goes out into the common room to see, sero, mina, kaminari and shinsou talking in a hushed tone. They hear the footsteps and look over to see him, their facial expression changes into one that is unreadable, but he just walks to the kitchen and slumps down into one of the stalls.

Then uraraka walks in and spots me "...todoroki...... aren't.. you supposed to be with the other two...?"

Todoroki doesn't look up and continues to ignore her, drinking his drink, then mina looks over to todoroki "..Where's bakugou? Why aren't you with kirishima..? Where's midoriya-?"

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