Chapter - 3

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For a few moments, the man's eye looked foggy as if he was thinking something deeply and then a few wolves step forward and turn into men.
We stayed still and even held our breath. Until one of the men tries to hold Roshini's wrist and that's when Nina kicks the guy where it hurts the most. Everything went fast after Nina screamed to run and I don't who use the teaser gun on the wolves, who pulls my arms harshly and tagged me to run as well.
"This only makes us excited to catch you," the stalker/ half-wolf scream to tell us. This only makes us run faster and I don't where we are heading or where are others as we all spread out. Nice way of sticking together when trouble arises. It took me a while to guess that it was Asha who is holding me.
"Fuck!!! I don't know where the hell others went and because of darkness I can't even see properly." panic and anxiety is evident in Ashas voice.
"Ahhhhh" someone screams.
"Shit that's Yasmin " Asha claims
" It came from there" I pointed at the east side.
"let's go" Asha and I said together. No matter what we cannot leave anyone in trouble. We have to save ourselves and ask for help.
" wrong move ladies should have gone to another direction when the scream was heard," the stalker said smiley wickedly.
He has held Yasmin's arm in one hand and another around her neck. His nails are longer and look like claws than nails. Even his eyes are yellow and his teeth resemble canines. Which come closer to Yasmin's neck who is shivering in fear and is crying hard, it hurts to see my sister in that state.
"No!!! Don't hurt please" I plead when his canines are closer to Yasmin's neck.
" We will do anything, please don't hurt her" Asha follows back and holds her hands.
Asha and I fell on our keens and begged for Yasmin's life.
" Look what we have here, they have submitted to me like our kind even though they are pathetic humans" the stalker laughs and told one of his men.
" Ok, I won't hurt her or any of you unless you guys listen to me like good girls" the expression of the stalker changes quickly into a serious one. His gaze sent a warning and is determined what he said is true.
Asha and I quickly nodded and that's when our arms were held by someone from the backside.
Suddenly, we heard a howling it sounded sad. That was when one of the men said " Something happen to Leo, I can't mind-link to him"
A few moments pass, Nina's scream is heard and she is shouting to leave her and threatening someone. The voice is getting louder by the second.
Two men were holding Nina. One of them is holding her arms and another is holding her legs. Both of them had many cuts, bleeding and look weak.
" She has silver knives and jewellery that were weapons like a teaser, knife. She uses them to fight and kill Leo by it. She looked like a crazy she-wolf and it took us longer to capture her than we anticipate" the man holding Nina's arm told and by the look of his face he is confused, yet had a murderous expression.
" Let's go, we got all of them, " the stalker tells after he comes over the stock his men told.
We were dragged to the south direction and his men thought of us as dolls. Dragging us harshly, not giving us a chance to stand even we fell.
After dragging like forever, I saw a van and three men outside wearing clothes, unlike these men who were dragging us naked.
" Took longer for you guys to catch these girls" the men holding Asha tell sarcastically.
" These girls were not easy, one of them climbed the tree and jumps on me. Starting to beat the shit out of me." the guy in black shorts tells holding an amused expression as a child ask for candy.
" The one with tracksuit is a kicker. She was close to breaking my bones. It will be fun to break this girl limb by limb" the man wearing blue shorts said in a dreamlike manner as if imagining the words he said while opening the door.
Yasmin, Asha, I and Nina were thrown inside the van one by one. The door was closed loudly making us jump in fear.
Rohini, Haniya, Yasmin, Asha, Nina and I glace at each other and jump for a hug together. All of us are scared to death, yet we were comforting each other by hugging. That's when Haniya broke the hug and pressed the button on her chain. Sending SOS to Police and looking at us holding an encouraging expression. Then all of us press our buttons and prayed to whoever created us to send help.
The van suddenly stops and after a few seconds these doors open up. This time a different guy was there and was fully cloth. He was looking at us angrily and if looks kill then all of us were dead by now.
" Which one of you killed my brother, Leo"
he said it rage and disgusted manner
" I did" Nina claims to hold no remorse or fear expression.
" Looks like we got a brave one huh? Aren't you scared of what you saw?" the guy snaps up, his face turning red and eyes blowing into yellow.
"We have seen worsen that can even scare the devil himself" Yasmin answers and looks at Nina as if they both understand each other and the statement she told.
The guy started to growl but was interrupted by the stalker who puts his hand on the guy and tells " Leave it now, Levi we will get our revenge on them for killing Leo. Now we have to give him a burial he deserves"
The guy softens for a second what the stalker said, returns to his previous expression when Nina chuckled. Seriously, this girl is mocking him when we are facing a dangerous moment in our life.
We were dragged out of the van and they took us inside an abounded factory later locking us in one of the rooms.
"Why the hell did you mock them, Nina, he would have killed you on the spot," Asha tells in exhausted anger voiced
"He would not kill her or us any matter of fact " Yasmin calmly states.
" What makes you can tell that you don't know him? How come you are sure of what you said" Haniya shouts in whispers.
" You won't understand," Yasmin and Nina tell in the union after sharing an unknown look like they know a secret that we are unaware of.

We all stayed in silence hoping for the police to show up. It is funny how we are captured by werewolves yet waiting for humans who may not match these beasts to show up and rescue us.
The doors opened and the butch of guys came inside scaring us what they will do to us.
" They smell divine"
" I can't wait to eat them up"
" They even look healthier than we used to eat"
"Commander, really catch us a nice meal today"
These men are talking among themselves as if we don't even exist in the room.
"Cut the talk and take them outside to eat," one of the guys tells in excitement.
We were taken outside and the stalker comes in scrub clothes like a surgeon.
" We are going to play our favourite game right before dinner. Where you girls are given 4 whole minutes heads up and then my men and I will catch you up. Each time we will be giving one of you scratch, bites or whatever we like until you have 4 marks that's when we will eat you up. ..."
he stayed quiet, letting the words sink in and fear to rise.
" your time starts now," the stalker tells
We all ran together holding each other's hands. The saying 'run for your life' is implemented right now in our situation. This trip was meant for relaxation, freedom, escape from our harsh reality; Nina's new beginning chapter, Yasmin trying to find out what she wants, Roshini figuring out where she belongs, Asha trying to be over with Rohan, Haniya wanted a break from her workspace who don't acknowledge her because she is a girl and I thought this trip will help to love myself.
Nina fell harshly due to a wolf jumping on her and biting her body. It steps backwards and makes a sound, it was like he is telling us to run. That's what we did, running from them to save our lives but these wolves were faster than us. Thus it makes them easier to catch up and hurt us. By now Nina has 2 bites and 1 scratch mark, Asha has 3 scratches, Roshini has 2 scratches and 1 bite mark, Haniya has 3 bites mark, Yasmin and I got one bite mark each.
Another wolf came out of nowhere and bite Ashas leg. She screams and the wolf was not letting her go that was when I realised he is going to eat her. I don't know where I got energy and I punch the eye of the wolf hard. It lets her go and step backwards whining due to the pain.
The wolf got angry and was about to jump on me but a howling noise stop it and he ran in the direction he came. All of us were confused by the sudden change of behaviour. I quickly came out of my confusion and help to cover Asha's wound when she started to cry. Her bite mark is deeper than ours and it's bleeding profusely.
In a flash, we heard police cars siren and light-emitting from I don't where. We all look at each other and scream as hell as we can. "HELP US " in the union.
After a few moments, the cops came and were shocked to see our state. Nevertheless, run to us to assist with any help and one of the cops uses his radio, tells a bunch of numbers and asks for a medic immediately.

It felt like ages when the ambulance came and medics rush to us. Carrying us one by one and asking butch of questions I can't comprehend. As my whole body drain in my blood and started to see everything blur.

" I am telling you, these girls are not normal human beings. Their aurora is changing it's becoming more dominant than I ever felt a human has. Also, all of them are starting to heal even it's at a slow rate. I'm telling you we need to contact the council about this as it is not normal at all"
" I think you are right, Annie is telling me she started to sense a wolf in each of them "
My head is throbbing and my whole body is in pain as if someone has pinned my whole body. Then I am started to hear these two voices talking one man and a woman. They are talking about me for sure but what, why, how.....
" She is waking up. Inject her now" the woman tells in urge.
The man obeys immediately and injected me with an injection. This brings a funny sensation to my body and I feel sleepy.

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