Chapter 28

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Alpha Aston called us to the Alpha Office where his mate, Betas and Gammas were waiting for us.
" A parcel was found on the borders and this envelope has been addressed to you, Queen," Alpha Aston muttered as he handed the envelope.
" What was in the parcel?" I asked as I open the envelope.
" It's getting a scan by the Delta and Zetas to ensure it is safe to open," I hummed in response.

You can see what I can do. You can't stop me, mate.
- Ace.
I frowned as I read the note written by Ace. Then I realised Ace is talking about the parcel.
" What is it?" Asha asked.
" It's from Ace. What else was there apart from my letter and the parcel?" I question.
" There were other two letters. One was for me and another was for Ava, my protectee," Alpha Aston answered.
Protectee, that means he is the guardian of Ava. He has imprinted both of the sisters, one is his mate and another is his protectee. The sound of the knocking stop my thoughts and saw a young man around the same age as Alpha entered the room with a box.
" It is safe to open, Alpha," The man spoke and kept the box in front of me.
" I will take your leave, Alpha,"
" Okay, Delta Lucas," Alpha Aston muttered when the Delta left the room.
Everyone comes near the table to check the parcel as Alpha Aston unwrapped the box.
When Alpha Aston lifts the lid of the box, automatically the sides fall like surprised boxes. The box was revealed to have the head of a girl whose eye and nose was taken off by an animal, a wolf more specific. And her mouth was stitched poorly made me assume she was alive when she was being stitched. That very thought shivered me in disgust.
" I can smell Ace from her," Nina whispered shocking me that I didn't notice it first. He did it and that is what he meant in the note.
"Halona, why is he making it hard for me?" I question in worried and confusion.
" I don't know," She whines as she was feeling the same as me after all we are one.
" Please, take it away. I don't want to see her," Asha spoke in pain as she closed her eyes tight. Gamma Oliver took the head away and left the room which made Asha open her eyes.
" What was written in your letter, Alpha Aston?" I asked trying to forget the image of the head that was here a while ago.
" It had the time and location for the war. He wants to fight the at weekend during the sunset where Dark Knight Pack used to be. Also, he wrote that he will take his captured members before the war" Alpha Aston answered and then he spoke again,
" We thought it's better to make a plan with your all help to stop Alexander from taking his members back,"
" Call him, Ace," I muttered as it felt weird for me when Alpha Aston called my mate Alexander.
" That's his fake name, Queen. I...," I interrupted Luna Anna and said,
" Ace is his name ever since your parents ruined his childhood,"
" You don't know the truth, Queen Disha," Beta Liam spoke as if he is trying to control himself.
" I think it's time to interrogate the Epsilons now," I ordered as I think they should hear the truth from their previous leaders.
" Okay," Alpha Aston spoke as he holds his mate's hand and then give a facial gesture to his Beta who might have gone to bring the Epsilons.
Within a few minutes, Beta Liam, and Gamma Oliver come with Epsilon Chris, his mate Carol, Epsilon Ben, his mate Katie, Epsilon Aiden and his mate Susan.

I didn't waste any time and started to interrogate them,
" Did all of you have the hand in killing the Dark Knight Pack?" I commanded them as I knew they would lie otherwise.
" Yes, my Queen," Everyone chanted making their children shocked as this completely contradicts the story they feed.
" Why did you kill them?" This time I commanded Epsilon Chris since he could be the leader in the plan after all he had alpha blood.
" The former council made a deal where they will help me to become the Alpha even though that was my elder sister's right. In return, I have to become Alpha Nick's friend and then kill his son... but things didn't work out so we kill Nick and his pack," Epsilon Chris blurbed out immediately having no control over his mouth.
" The prediction wasn't about you all," Asha questions this time and the Epsilon Chris shook his head as a 'no' while looking down in shame.
" I don't know much about the prediction but... they told me Nick's son will be the strongest werewolf that could be equal to the King himself," I smile at the fact that Ace is the strongest werewolf but I never saw his strength or fighting techniques.
" How did you all kill the Dark Knight Pack?" Roshini inquired as she tilted her head slightly.
" They used to have a party once a month where all the members gathered at one place and I trick them to invite all of us... Susan already planted bombs when we arrived at their pack. I challenge Nick when he was telling a speech... We thought of submitting him into telling about his son but he was strong and his mate... Sandy or Sally... started to fight with Carol... that made us change our plan... Susan activate the bomb while Aiden and Ben killed the members with the help of the members who pledge their loyalty to me. By the time the former council came we killed all the members of the pack except for Nick and his mate... we thought we did... until Samuel came up at our border to mock us," Epsilon Chris answered trying to ignore his son's low growling.
" How could you do that? " Alpha Aston spoke holding his emotions that were about burst.
" I wanted to be Alpha but Father thought I was incapable so... I did what I had to," Epsilon Chris spoke looking at his son in regret.
" Now tell us what did you all do afterwards the massacre," Asha questioned.
" We polluted the whole area with fox gloves and wolfsbane so the area won't be inhabitable.... the area becomes unliveable that even being there for an hour you will be hospitalised for months or you could die," This time Epsilon Ben answered looking emotionless.
" What did you all steal?" Nina's questions felt irrelevant all of us looked at her with stunned expressions.
" Why are you all looking at me like that? They must have stolen something useful after all they are selfish and greedy people," Nina's comment made the children of the Epsilons growl but Asha's growl made these people submit.
" Don't you dare to growl at my sister again and she is right," Asha warns and looked at the Epsilons expecting an answer.
" We took all the jewellery and cash we can find... Then we sold jewellery on the black market but this ring box was chanted that we couldn't sell or open it... it had Alexander and mate craved into it," Epsilon Carol answered and I quickly commanded,
" Bring it to me, now," Epsilon Carol obeyed me as soon as she heard my command and shortly she brought a wood ring-sized box which was craved 'Alexander and mate' at the top.
I couldn't open it, no matter how much Halona and I used strength it was still closed. I took it in my pocket and I will try to find a way to open it or I could give it to Ace. But we didn't talk after that call where he indirectly said we will meet during the war.
" Is there any other question to ask?" Luna Anna raised a question since none of us asked anything.
" That's for now," Roshini said then the Epsilons left the room.
" Let's plan to prevent Ace from taking his members back," Asha announced.

My second book is the star-crossed lovers about the Howler Pack.
You could read that book to get insight into the Howler Pack members.

Fortune Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora