Chapter 19

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The night went fantastic and for once Ace and I didn't fight or argue about anything. I was disappointed when the date finish as I wanted to spend more time with Ace.
" Everything is going smoothly and I just hope nothing bad happens," I talked to Halona.
" Sure, it will go well. After our coronation, we will be able to bring our mate justice who faces a lot from the council and those undeserving royals," I agreed with Halona's statement.
" Disha, how did your date go?" Asha asked when she saw me while entering the apartment.
" I can't describe it in words," I spoke amusingly.
" What did you guys do?" Nina's teasingly manner made me blush.
" That's none of your concerns," I uttered.
" So how did your night go? and where is Haniya?" I questioned.
" Our night was going amazing until Edward arrived and drag Hani away," Asha answered looking distressed.
" Tell me in detail," I ordered.
" Edward told Hani to go with him but she denied it. Causing Edward to get angry, which leads him to close the club," Asha explained.
" How can he do that? Did he own the club?" I raise two questions at once.
" No. The owner was a werewolf who had to obey Edward," Asha answered.
" I don't get it. What is Edward's problem? Why can't he let Haniya enjoy her life? Just because they are mates that don't mean he can control her life or she has to be with him twenty-four hours," I blurt out my frustration after hearing Asha.
" What can we say? We don't choose who our mates will be. Even though they clearly show red flags," Yasmin said while looking at me with a strange expression.
" Do any of you have any idea where the hell Edward took Haniya?" I asked looking at everyone who was shaking their head and saying no.
" Once I become WolfQueen, I will make Edward and Haniya reject each other," I share my plan with Halona.
" You can't separate mates apart. They are fated to be with each other..." I interrupted Halona.
" Haniya have two mates so if she rejects Edward then she still has a mate. Edward doesn't deserve to have a mate,"
" Still Disha, mates are sacred. We don't have a right to separate them," Halona tries to convince me to change my decision but I am hell-bent on it so I block Halona.
With my newfound plan and determination to help Haniya to get rid of Edward. I thought about it a lot since I am sure Edward will put a fight with me for Haniya. I have to talk to Ace in the morning and make a plan where I can make Haniya and Edward reject each other with the least damage possible. Thinking about various methods to get rid of Edward, I didn't realise when I fall asleep.

" What are you making?" I asked when I saw Asha cooking something. While everyone expect Haniya were eating. I just hope Haniya is fine wherever she is.
" Waffles," Asha answered.
I took some of the waffles that were placed on a plate near the stove. Later pour some chocolate syrup. I was about to take the first bite the doorbell rang. I went to open it as everyone is busy eating.
It was Sabrina. What a worst way for my day to start.
"Won't you let me in?" Sabrina lift her left eyebrow.
I stared at her anger and allowed her to enter inside.
" Disha, kon hai?" Yasmin screamed from the kitchen.
Translation- "who is it?"
" Sabrina," I spat at her name making everyone to coming into the living room.
" Why the hell did you spell us?" Nina was the first one to question in a calm tone. I expected her to react in rage that she couldn't control herself from hurting Sabrina.
" To be honest, no explanation will justify my action but I was facing a lot of problems that I just snap..." I interrupted Sabrina.
" Just shut up. What the hell do you think of yourself?" I screamed making everyone startled and shocked.
" Being a member of the council doesn't mean that you are superior to others. Your position brings responsibility to treat others with fairness, and justice to victims. But you and the others just use it for your benefits," I continued to speak the bitter truth.
" What do you mean by that we council taking advantage of our positions?" Sabrina looked at me with a stoic expression.
" I mean that council is corrupted to its core just like cancer. That can only be treated to rid of the source so it won't poison the whole body," I spoke in anger.
Sabrina chuckled humourless, " You can't get rid of the council. There are processes that you have to follow,"
" I don't need to follow any processes as I am WolfQueen," I spoke in a whisper while glaring at Sabrina who started to look nervously.
" Look Disha, the council has existed even before the extinction of Sun-shinners. There are written documents that state every bloodline of Sun-shinner has to follow the process of dissolving the council. So you can't just command or order to dissolve the council. And what proof do you have that will dissolve the council? As for spelling, you girls were my only doing and the other members don't have any part in it," Sabrina uttered looking satisfied at my dumbfounded expression. But I remember I do have the proof of the council's injustice.
" I have my biggest proof that shows the council's cruelty, inconsideration towards the people. So get ready to accept that you will be removed from your position as soon as Ace and I will be crowned as WolfKing and WolfQueen," I spoke while keeping my smirk.
" First of all, Disha you have every right to be WolfQueen. That is our fortune to have a Queen like you but Ace will never be crowned as WolfKing. We have enough evidence to prove the incapability of Ace and what sort of character he is," Sabrina spat at the end.
Halona was demanding the control to show the real place, Sabrina belongs. And I gladly gave her the control.
The first thing Halona did was growl loudly at Sabrina to show she is in control.
Asha used her vampire speed to hold my body back before I took a step toward the wicked witch. And like a coward she is, she quickly ran out of the apartment but Halona was hell-bent to break free from Asha's grip.
" Disha, you have to take the control back," Nina spoke after coming in front of me.
" NO!," Halona barked at Nina making her startled yet she stood her ground.
" Let me go! you backstabbing bitch. I will kill you and your sister today," Halona roared.
" What the hell do you mean by that?" I questioned her.
" Asha is a manipulating bitch like mate told. And Nina wants to steal our mate. I WILL KILL THEM BOTH!," Halona said to me. This made me fight for control as I don't want my cousins to be hurt.
" Give me the control Halona," I order her but she growls back at me.
Halona was able to break free from Asha's grip. She quickly turned toward Asha and caught her off guard which allowed her to punch Asha in the face. I heard bone crack. Shit, Halona must have broken her nose.
"What the hell? " Asha yelled showing her bloody nose.
Suddenly, I felt pain on my face that made me fall. Halona growls at Nina who punched my face.
" Don't just growl at me, fight me or are you scared to fight with me? What kind of WolfQueen are you?" Nina was succeed in provoking Halona.
Halona was quick to get up and throws a punch at Nina. But Nina was able to dodge the punch and she extended her claws to twist my arms while digging her nails into my skin. Then she kicked my leg making me fall later using her other hand to hold my neck.
" Halona, even though you are WolfQueen that doesn't make you the strongest of us all. So, better give control to Disha and this is the last time I am telling you," Nina warns.
" Not after I kill you and your sister," Halona says and Nina tightens her grip around my neck. This made it impossible for Halona to breathe.
Nina can't kill me.
" You are a delusion to think that," Halona roared at me.
" Nina leave her. You are killing Disha," Yasmin screams at her.
" I am not killing her," Nina said while looking at my face. And that was the last thing I heard before I saw darkness.
" Disha...Disha...Disha,"
I tried to open my eyes when someone is calling my name.
" Water...," my throat was aching in pain. Why is my throat in pain? Why isn't my self-healing working?
" Here," Asha gave me a glass of water.
" What happened?" I asked after drinking the water.
" You gave control to Halona who tried to kill Asha and me. So I had to strangle her until she loses her consciousness. What the hell did you were thinking when you gave the control to her? You know that wolves are instinctive animals who are driven by their emotions. They don't think about the consequence of their action," Nina started to scream at me but Asha stopped her.
" You are fucking blind. Disha just got up and you are shouting at her," She yelled at her.
" It's okay, it's my fault. I just wanted to hurt Sabrina for talking ill about Ace," I said.
" What if she was telling the truth?" Nina questions.
" What do you mean?" I got angry hearing her question and I felt Halona stirring inside me in anger.
" Don't start your provoking game, Nina," Yasmin warns Nina.
"I am not provoking her rather I am telling the truth," Nina spoke to Yasmin and then look at me.
" When Halona tried to kill Asha or me, tell me if I am wrong that her action didn't relate to Ace in any way," Nina question me but I was ashamed to answer it. Yet, my silence answered.
" I am done waiting for you to see the reality. I will tell you...," Asha interrupted Nina.
" Nina, don't you dare,"
" I agree with Nina in this one, Asha. It's better to tell Disha about our opinions rather than waiting for her to see," Roshini spoke acting like I wasn't even present here.
" Tell me what?" I asked.
" We don't like Ace. Roshini saw Ace's desire to be powerful, and successful through you. He only considers you a medium to fulfil his desire," Nina answered most cruelly that a cousin will never do.
" This song reminds me of you, mate. I found a girl, beautiful and sweet who brightest my dark heart.  I dream of a future where you carry children of our own. After meeting you I know I have met an angel in person and you look perfect," Ace refers to some lyrics of the song Perfect by Ed Sheeran on which we were dancing.
---------------Flashback Ends-----------
Ace loves me.
He will never try to use me as a medium.
" Ace will never do that. I believe him and trust him with my life...He is my soulmate, my better half, we are meant to be together," I said.
" Yet, you are unable to deny what I said or trying to convince me to believe otherwise," Nina looked at me in pity.
Why the hell is she looking at me in pity? I am not a weak or stupid woman who needs pity from anyone.
" What are your thoughts on Ace? Every one of you will answer me," I command everyone.
" I notice ever since Ace entered your life... you are changing and I don't mean a good one. You don't take care of yourself and you are distancing yourself from us more than you have ever been. Whenever we try to tell you that, you just shake it off saying Halona demands your attention," Asha was the first one to answer.
" I don't like his vibe," Roshini said next.
" He hurts you with his words even though you show it's nothing but it affects you a lot. I believe he intentionally ignores your pain," Yasmin spoke.
" I find him pretending someone else. Like he isn't what he shows us," Nina said at the last.
" What are your thoughts on Edward then?" I command them again.
" He needs a therapy that might help him to be the less controlling and dominating person," Asha quickly answered and I smile at her answer.
" He loves Hani that can make him do anything just to keep Hani safe and happy," Nina went next.
" I am still figuring him out," Yasmin said.
" I believe there is a reason why he is dominating Haniya," Roshini said.
" Your opinion on Ace is worse than on Edward. Who...May I remember you he marked Haniya without her consent. The guy who doesn't care about her mate's consent and acts like he did the right better than Ace," I spoke and all of them tries to say something. But I cut them off by waving my hands in the air and then went to the room and lock it.
" I can't believe it," I said to Halona.
" You should have let me kill Asha and Nina," Halona roared at me.
" No matter whatever happens I will never let you kill my cousins," I said quickly blocking her out as she has a blood lust right now.
  I am walking around the room back and front. Thinking about everything, no one likes Ace. What has Ace done to them that they don't like him? And why do Yasmin believe he deliberately ignores my feeling when I am hurt by his words? Asha, believes I am distancing myself from them. I know I am quiet than I used to be but it started after our kidnapping.
Too much is happening in my life that I have no control over or the things aren't happening in a way I want.
Suddenly, my phone rang making me stop what I was thinking.
" Hello," I answered without looking at the caller ID.
" Hi, ma'am I need your help and I am sorry if I disturb you...," Anita my bakery manager spoke with nervousness.
" It's okay. Tell me, what is the issue?" I asked.
" Ma'am, the chief is having a problem in making Croquembouche as he isn't used to making French desserts," Anita explained.
" Okay, give him the call and I will explain to him,"
Then I started to explain to the chief the process of making Croquembouche in a video. After the fourth try, the chief was successfully made a proper
Croquembouche. Now he can make Croquembouche for tomorrow's wedding of one of our regular customers.
The phone call helps me distract myself from my problems for a while. So I thought reading about vampires will be a great source of distraction.

Vampires usually do not die of disease or other normal human afflictions, and they are indeed often said to have faster-than-normal healing capabilities, there are various methods for their destruction. The most popular of those include a wooden stake through the heart, fire, and decapitation.
The race of vampires first appeared in the pre-cataclysmic era (before the sinking of Atlantis and Lemuria), circa 18,500 B.C., when the Atlantean cult of Darkholders used the power of the Chthon Scrolls to oppose King Kull, who had slain their leader, Thulsa Doom. The result was Varnae, one of their own raised as the world's first vampire. Varnae quickly slew the other Darkholders and used them to found the vampire race, with himself as Vampire Lord.
There are other races of vampires, those are Adze, Ancient, Charniputra, Huskies, Jumlin, Nosferati, Purebloods, Tryks, and Yiki Onna -- either diverged from this original Varnaean line or else arose out of other circumstances.
Vampires from different sects might have different characteristics or abilities. That can be classified as;
1)Kreiger Sect: Western European type warriors, one of the strongest sects.
2)Claw Sect: Middle Eastern type warriors, rivals of the Krieger.
3)Mystikos Sect: American Vampires who embraced the modern world. They are Businessmen, technology skills, guys.
4)Anchorite Sect: American rural outcasts who prefer to hide from humanity and live in peace, similar to the lifestyle of the Amish.
5)Purebloods: Born as Vampires.
6)Nosferati: Eastern European, similar to Count Orlok, their need for powerful blood sometimes drives them to attack other Vampires.
7)Moksha Sect: Seers who gain their powers by feeding as little as possible.
8)Siren Sect: All beautiful female Vampires with powers of seduction.
9)Adze: African Vampcane able to survive the usually instantaneous methods of Vampire destruction for ten minutes.
10)Ancient: Italian Vampires with superior superhuman speed and healing factor compare to that other Vampires.
11)Yiki Onna: Japanese Vampires with the power to turn into ice storms rather than fog as most Vampires can.
12)Jumlin: Native American Vampires.

There are Sub-Species of vampires:
1)Huskie: Vampires who are brought back brain dead and are basically human husks. They only follow their base instinct and feed on small animals. They will not rest until they have completed a task in their human life.
2)Charniputra: Gargoyle like Vampires that reside in the Himalayas
3)Aqueos: Atlantean (Homo mermanus) converted Vampires
4)Tryks: A powerful, parasitic race that prefers the blood of other Vampires.

I closed the book that I was reading about Vampire. That's it, I am done reading for a day. There is so much about vampires that aren't as interesting as kitsune.
" I want to see mate," Halona whines and I thought it's better to spend my time with Ace.

" I never thought being with someone will make me complete," I said to Ace.
" Well, that's what mates are for. Completing each other, after all, they share a soul," Ace said while maintaining eye contact. I feel like his eyes looking directly into my soul and claiming it as his.
" I will never let you go," Ace promise me.
" I am selfish to never leave you. I promise that I will be the one, you deserve and....," Ace interrupted me.
" You are the one. No need to change yourself for me, mate,"
This melts my heart and makes me smile. I have never felt this good with anyone.
" Have you thought about the mating process?" Ace asked while drinking the wine.
" To be honest, Halona keeps on whining about completing the mating process. And I have thought about it. The process will bind our souls into one which sounds magical. Believe me, I really want to complete the mating process but I still need time," I answered.
" I will do anything for you my Highness," Ace holds my hand sending the amazing electric sparks throughout my body. Making my knees go weak and the smile he gave... He will be the end of me.
" Mate, you will be the end of me," He spoke.
" I was thinking that you will be the end of me,"  I laughed.
" Well, only the time will tell," Ace said and continue to eat the dinner.
---------------Flashback Ends-----------

Ace sent me your home address. I want to spend the night with you.
I message Ace and got a reply right away.
777-C, Road 3, New town.
Can't wait to see you.
I quickly order a cab from Uber. Then pack my bag for the night.
" I can't wait to spend the night with a mate. Are we going to complete the mating process?" Halona was howling in happiness to meet Ace.
" No, I still need time. A lot has happened today and I just need my night to go well," I said.
When I got out of the room. Asha come out of nowhere and started to talk,
" Disha, I made your favourite...," I interrupted her by saying,  " I am spending the night at Ace,"
That shocked her to the core as she stood like a statue for a while.
" Oh...Okay," she stammered and before going to the kitchen, she said. " I wish you have a great night,"  Then both of us smile at each other and went on our ways.

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