Chapter -13

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Today, Edward and Ace joined us for our morning run. Ace presents brought cheerfully morning for Halona and me. I was ecstatic the moment I saw him since the time we spend last night wasn't sufficient for me.
This also gave others the chance to know Ace. Haniya and Yasmin were the ones who talked the most with Ace whereas Edward was minding his business which was staring at Haniya or her wolf Zarita.
Asha was observing me mostly and told me that it is the first time to see me joyous as now, also wish me the best.
" Asha, how will you deal with Rohan is around. This mate bond is strong, I can not stay away from Ace for a bit. I know it can be seen as weird as I have known him less than a day but it is what it is. How is Astra dealing with this ?",  I mind-linked Asha during our run.
" I am scared that Astra will mark him at first sight, as Edward did. To be honest, I don't know what to do as I was trying to be over him and now that I know he is my soulmate. This doesn't mean that I forgave him for what he did to me and I will never put him first which makes Astra furious. She keeps stating he is our mate and he won't be the same", Asha shared her feeling with me.
" I hope whatever you decide will be good for you in the end and I just hope the best for you," I said back.
" By the way, do you know what is the issue between Edward and Ace as they are acting so formal, also aren't trying to know each other," Asha change the topic which grabs my attention completely.
" Actually, I didn't notice it at all. Ace had my full attention man," I told Asha who chuckled.
" Now to think about it, Edward has a stony expression towards Ace and it feels like he has worn a mask, " I continue to speak, Asha also agrees with this point and she guessed,
" Maybe, he is an introverted person".
" That must be it," I conclude our discussion.
After our run, Andrew informed us of the change made in our schedule until Luv, Khush and Roshan leave. We will be having one class per day which delighted me, looks like it's my lucky day.
Ace then took me to the cafe and it turns out he works part-time there. He serves the best pastry, coffee that the cafe offers. To be honest, it wasn't as yummy as it was told to me as the pastry wasn't cooked properly and the coffee was bitter that soured my taste buds. When Ace asked about the meal, I was honest with him and promised to make delicious pastries for him. Ace was hurt by my review but after promising the pastries he became happy or was it a mask he put on for me which I doubt.
" I have some work to do for the council. I will meet your cousins later in the afternoon, mate. Is there any heads up to know about them?" Ace spoke after we step out of the cafe.
" Well, they are the coolest and just be who you are because they like honestly and I am sure they will like you," I told him.
" What if they don't like my true self?" Ace raised a question.
" Well, I like who you are then they will too," I retorted.
This made him laugh as I told the funniest joke and he counters attacked by muttering," We met each other yesterday, how come you are sure you know the real Ace". This made me speechless for a while, it is true what he said but he is my mate...soulmate we are made for each other and that gives me to answer to reply, " I trust you like I never did. Not because you are my mate but you have been hurt as much as I have. From our talk last night, it arose to me that we are the same...we had our struggle which only made us strong and together we can have our solitude".
This made Ace to be astounded and he pulled me at once to kiss. This kiss bring an eruption of sparkle, and it kept rising as Ace plays with my lips. He was sucking at first then biting my lower lips and suddenly he grab my ass which made me gasp. Which provide him with the opportunity to invade his tongue this made my knees weaken. I had to hold his arms for support later riding towards his neck, making him shiver from my touches. To which I internally smirked, then took hold of his hair which was smooth and soft under my hand. We didn't stop until we were breathless from the kiss, I never kissed anyone this deeply before.
" I want him now" Halona demanded.
" What do you mean by that?" I was shell-shock by her level of power from her demand.
" You know what I mean! He is our mate and I can't stay away from him anymore," Halona spoke in complete determination.
" I am not ready for that," I claimed.
Halona was about to say something back but Ace interrupted the conversation to which I was glad.
" Mate is it okay for you to go to your place alone as I have to be on time..."
I interrupted him mid-sentence by saying," It's okay and I hope you will like my chai when you will come back".
Ace nodded, gave a quick peck and jogged away from me. I was again watching him disappear among the coward as I did the last night.

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