Chapter- 15

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I stop running and took a deep breath as I knew what I wanted to do now.
For that, I need to go home but I don't know where I am. Ace blindfolded all the way, even though I have learned to feel and sense my surroundings when I am blindfolded during exercise under Edward's supervision. As I kept my guards down and I was overwhelmed by my feelings for the date.
It left me no choice but to turn back to go to Ace, who will drop me home. To be honest, I am hurt by Ace's behaviour today and whatever he did and said beat up previous things that sting my heart.
"You will never understand me, mate. The problem I face... Is something you will never empathise with, no matter what you say otherwise,"
" Mate, you are rich in the human world and being WolfQueen in the supernatural world. You are fortunate to have this life yet you don't stop complaining. I envy your fate,"
"Why do you have to buy me these expensive gifts?. Looking at these gifts makes me realise I can't afford a luxurious lifestyle for you," 
Even though Ace's tone saying these lines were either sad or funny, it still hurts. Halona said I am being dramatic but I can't help my feelings.

When I reach where our date was, the whole place is wrecked. The table and fairy lights were broken and shattered everywhere. Even the trees had paws marks and some looked like it was punched.
Ace wasn't here, I shouted his name multiple times but I got no answer. Then I tried to call him but he didn't pick up my call. How can he do this? He knows that I am still new to remembering the locations and directions. And he should have considered the fact that he blindfolded me so that means I have no clue where I was.
On top of that, my phone died. Why do I keep forgetting to charge my god damn phone? and this stupid phone battery quickly drains. I need a new phone, I will buy the same one as Roshini as her phone's battery timeline is longer among all six of us.
This leaves me no choice but to find my own path. Thankfully, my werewolf hearing helped to find the road which wasn't far from the place where the date was.
Turns out my apartment is two hours away and I don't have any money with me otherwise I could have used a taxi.
Why I am WolfQueen? I don't deserve this title and the honour it gives. I am not capable enough to handle the responsibility to run my bakery and how am I supposed to take responsibility for being WolfQueen.
I have to take care of the entire race of Sun-shinner in the future when our race expands. Why did I have Sun-shinner blood and not Ace? Due to that fact, I have the power rather than Ace, who doesn't have an obligation towards the race of Sun-shinner. When I found out about this fact, I quickly informed Ace about it. Ace was heartbroken as he was taught to handle this kind of duty by his father before his demise.
However, Ace cheers up after finding out he can have a pack alongside mine. This made him more optimistic about being the Alpha he deserved. And was positive that being my mate might help him to form his pack once and for all. Yet, he still faces complications such as a lack of members, insufficient finances, etc.
I wonder what's so special about having a pack, it just brings endless responsibilities. I got to know some packs consisting of hundreds of werewolves. How does an Alpha take care of this large number of members with his money?
I am supportive of Ace's dream because that's what was taught to him since childhood. I tried to question this but it only lead to an argument between us.
" Do you have to be an Alpha?" I question him,
" Yes, it's my dream, my right and why are you asking this?"
" Don't get me wrong but you have tried numerous times to form a pack but it fails. Maybe it's a sign..." Ace interrupted me,
" Sign..( Ace started to laugh humourlessly) Mate, you really believe in this stuff,"
"Well, I used to believe the supernatural doesn't exist yet it does. So why not the universal signs?"  I raised my eyebrows.
" Mate, I don't believe in universal signs. I simply follow my will, I want to be an Alpha then I will be an Alpha. Nothing is going to stop me from taking what's mine," Ace muttered.
" Okay, but..." Ace once again interrupted me which made me a little annoyed yet I conceal my emotions.
"You will not understand this, being a human whole life of yours. To understand the significance of having a pack, for that you have to be a member before but you weren't... Let's drop this topic," Ace concluded and started a new topic to discuss. Isn't my opinion important?
" You are being dramatic," Halona said. This is her epic line to say whenever I think about Ace's behaviour.
" You will always support him," I stated.
"You are an over-thinker, the majority of the time you are overwhelmed by your emotions, " Halona justify her actions by pointing out my faults,
"I am only saying this because you have insecurities. You have started to feel for our mate and that is scaring you," Halona continued.
"If I am scared of what I feel then shouldn't I run away from Ace," I point out the fact to prove I am not scared of anything.
" Different people use a different approach," Halona spoke and blocked me right away.

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