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It's been two hours since Ace left yet I can't forget his expression. Was it my refusal that pissed him off or Edward's insult?
" Disha, are you okay?" Roshini asked when she entered the room.
" Yes, what made you ask that?" I asked.
" You are pacing back and front and looked deeply disturbed," Roshini said.
"Yea...well.." I was stuttered thinking of an appropriate answer.
" Why don't you want to meet your mate?" I questioned her which made her shocked for a second.
" My parents have already decided whom I will marry. And I am fine with it also, so why bother to meet my mate only to get married to someone else." She explained.
" But that's your mate...soulmate. The one made especially for you. The one who will make you happy, support and charities you," I quickly spoke without thinking.
" My happiness lies in my parent's happiness," Roshini stated and I just nodded. Like that's maybe because her parents were not toxic like mine. Even though Roshini's parents are strict, they adore her and spoiled her a lot when she was a child.
" You know, you could read about kitsune that will not only distract you from your thoughts that were bothering you but also prepare you for the lesson we have with Chan-lee today," Roshini advised and took her books, the table then left. She, Yasmin, Nina and Haniya usual do group studies just to have relived childhood memories. Asha and I prefer to study alone without any disturbance.

I took her advice and started to study kitsune. Kitsune's originally called Huli Jing. There are two types of kitsune, one is called Zenko which means good nature kitsune and the other one is called Yako or Nogitsune are the evil nature kitsune who loves to create chaos. Similar to the serpent, Kitsune can shift after the hundredth birthday and on their hundredth birthday, they will be able to have Hoshi. A Hoshi is a glowing ball that contains the owner's soul without it, the owner will grow powerless and die. Hoshi is amulets worn in the human form whereas, in fox form, it's usually in the mouth or fasten on their tail.
Furthermore, after hundred years kitsune can grow a new tail. The total number of tails, they can grow is nine. That's why Kitsune are called 'Nine-Tailed Fox'.
According, to the illustration in the book, it shows that Kitsune can emit a glowing version of a fox while being in human form. This reminds me of a scene in a Korean drama named ' Tale of the nine tailed' which Nina was watching. I can't wait to do that, it sounds intriguing.
Kitsune are tricksters, they specialise in art and illusion yet they are rarely perfect.
Studying about Kitsune did help to distract me from thinking about Ace. As I wasn't been able to keep track of time. It was Asha who told me to get ready for our Kitsune class. I am looking forward to it as I am prepared.
" Finally, someone was able to study as she was always busy," Halona teases me.
" You will never leave the chance to mock me, " I acknowledged.
" It's even a thing to ask," Halona remarked.
" Okay, Halona on the serious note. What do you think about Ace's behaviour in the hallway?" I asked.
" It's because of that stupid royal mutt," Halona growls.
" You don't think, Ace is upset because of my refusal?" I express my doubt.
" I don't see why you even refused him in the first place. He is our mate and we belong to him. I was eager to where he was going but you had to stop him," Halona scowled at me.
" That's not what I asked about," I counterattack and quickly block Halona.
" Good afternoon, ladies," Chan-lee greeted us with a smile.

We are in the forest, luckily I wore joggers and my least favourite leggings and t-shirt. As my clothes will be filled with dirt and sweat at the end of the class. Nina is wearing a black sporting bra with leggings and dark blue joggers. Asha is wearing an oversized shirt with shorts that goes well with her nude colour joggers. And as usual, my both sisters are wearing identical crop tops and shorts. Lastly, Roshini is wearing a white crop sleeveless top with black leggings and an oversize shirt that acts like a coat.
" There are thirteen tribes of kitsune powers. All of you are well aware of those powers as each one of you possesses two of the powers. Except the one power called Chickyu means earth. Which I possess as I am ordinary kitsune so I can have one kitsune power and that's why I brought you all here in the forest," Chan-lee spoke in an intense tone.
Chan-lee separated all of us and told us to make noises like a fox and follow the noise that is the same as yours to find each other. Fox can make forty different types of sounds so that made this task difficult. As we were making the different types of noises at first, it also helped us to be able to make all the forty noises at the end. It took almost two hours to find all of us and then we decided to categorise the noises as danger, emergency, victory, defeat, etc.

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