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Luv, Khush and Rohan stayed for four days. During their stay, Edward took us to various places such as clubs, movies and even some branded shops which are owned by his relative. All the places clearly indicated how wealthy Edward is and this only upset Ace who later explains to me that he isn't a perfect match for me as he can't buy me luxurious items as Edward can. This broke my heart as Ace has insecurities that I leave him and he will never have a proper family or sense of belonging. Edward and his cousins were just rubbing the salt into his wounds as their behaviour toward him was hostile which made Ace extremely uncomfortable around them. Therefore, Ace stop coming with us due to those royals as he can't bear more punishment from the council. They have punished him for insignificant stuff such as mocking Charles, or Elizabeth and Charlotte were displeasure by his actions which as spending time with me.
Halona keeps on insisting I give her control so that she can punish these people for their actions. I want to take action but for Haniya, I have to think sensible since Edward is her mate. I am scared that if I inform Haniya about Edwards's doings, she could take action against him and that may cause Edward to be aggressive towards her which I don't want.
Even though Ace acts like everything is normal but it isn't. The amount of punishment he got caused him to lose connection with his wolf Ron. That could take months for him to reconnect with Ron. Halona is heartbroken as she can't reach Ron and is fierce about my action of not doing anything. But what could I do, I am in debt to the council for their help. It is their help that has resulted in me learning magic and being able to control my powers.
For one month, I have learned a lot about the supernatural and I am a better fighter than before. However, my fighting skills aren't great as Nina uses anger as an anchor to fight. Because of her fighting skill, Nina has gone on missions disguised as a warrior. As council think it isn't the right time to reveal about us publicly, which I agree. After we are revealed, as a ritual I have to take the position of Wolf Queen of the sun-shinners and I am personally not ready. Asha and Haniya also go for missions but they only go when Nina is on that mission. As Nina is having post-trauma from what she has gone through. I didn't know this until a few days ago when I talk about this to Nina, she replied, " I have to keep my mind occupied since it helps to confront my problem but for you, all it's looks like I am running away for it".
Later, I talked to Asha who is under stress for Nina. Asha has difficulties taking care of Nina who refuse to talk about her issues and uses art, and poetry as a coping mechanism. Her arts and poetry are depressing, even suicidal which scares us except for Yasmin. In the beginning, we could tell how Nina feels by her aura but now she knows to conceal her aura. Asha is finding a potion or spell that can help her understand Nina and this benefits Asha by becoming better at witchcraft.
Roshini and Yasmin are closest to Nina. But they don't look concerned about her as they are busy learning and succeeding in hunting and weaponry respectively. Roshini is good at analysing prey behaviour and can make good strategies in capturing the prey. This has made her a favourite student of Cole and Sky, Roshini also helps them to capture rogues who are proven guilty of harming humans. Yasmin on another hand is brilliant with weapons, she hasn't missed a target yet.
" You have to be patient, compose and block everything that could disturb you from your target. Such as noises surrounding you, your thoughts and even your breath," Yasmin explained when Haniya asked.
Yasmin's favourite weapon is a crossbow and bolts, an arrow and bows and lastly caltrops. With these weapons, she can attack prey from a distance without making noises as guns could.
Haniya is trying to work things out with Edward but due to his personality, it's difficult. Not a single day pass by when I haven't seen Haniya annoyed or frustrated by Edward. Edward showers Haniya with expensive, luxury gifts but Haniya isn't the materialistic girl who will fall in love with him for his money.
I try my level best to stay away from him and his cousin. This behaviour was noticed by Haniya, who later confronted me,
" Why are you avoiding Eddi and his cousin?"
" I am not avoiding them, it's just that I prefer to spend time with Ace rather than them," I tried to tell a half-truth to Haniya.
" Why don't both of you hang out with us anymore?" Haniya questions me again, she is in detective mode which isn't her personality.
" Why are you asking this much of questions, it isn't you that for sure. Tell me, who is making you ask me these questions?" I command Haniya, so she can be forced to answer me. I was expecting Edward's name so I could have an excuse to fight with him.
" Asha did," Haniya blurt out looking betrayed that I command her.
"What?" I am utterly shocked,
"Asha, I need you here right now," I mind-link Asha. And within a few minutes, she arrives with a knowing expression. Haniya must have mind-linked her.
" Care to explain, why are you using Haniya rather than talking to me directly?" I questioned her,
" Because she is your sister and you will be more comfortable talking to her than me..." I Interrupted her explanation.
" We are cousins' that doesn't say I am closer to my sisters than I am to you. I could relate to you a lot and I am comfortable with you because you are the most understanding person I met. Everyone I know has judged me once in my life, except you. I am more likely to talk about my problems to you.". I took a deep breath after my speech realising I spoke it all in one breath.
Haniya and Asha were surprised.
" I am sorry if my action has hurt. It's just that after our kidnapping, you don't talk must. You always sitting alone or lost in deep thoughts and that made me worried," Asha rationalize her behaviour with I understand it completely.
" It's Halona that demands my attention and I agree on I don't socialise I used to. It's because, after our kidnapping, a part of me has changed and I may never be the same. And it's not just me but all of us have. Asha, before you could have directly come to me to talk rather send Haniya," I tried to clarify my action.
" I agree man, that night had changed me also. It had made me stronger, smarter, and a good fighter," Haniya said.
" That's true, that night I saw Nina's vulnerable side. It has changed me, I was never a good sister... That night taught me a lot too," Asha spoke in deep thoughts. Maybe she is concerned about Nina that's why she sends Haniya to talk with me.
" You know what, Disha? I will directly talk to you from now onwards," Asha announced.
That was the last time, Asha send Haniya to me. From there onwards, she comes to me to talk and we were able to reconnect like before. Our talk is mostly about skincare, and self-love ever since Asha pointed out I don't look after myself as before. In my defence, as a werewolf, I got clear skin thanks to self-healing.
The next time Haniya came to talk was because of our loving parents. They want to talk to me, they tried to use Haniya later Yasmin to pursue me to talk with them. Each time I was able to avoid them but it got annoying so I commanded my sister to never try to rebuild my relationship with Mom and Dad. This caused Haniya to argue with me and our fight was about to get physical until her so call mate Edward arrived. He pulled her away from me and Haniya kept on getting out of his hold but it was strong. Then, at last, she screamed, "I regret telling you about Dad because you are being dramatic for shitty excuses,"
Haniya and I spend days without talking to each other, we even didn't look at each other. In the end, we gradually let go of the grudge we were holding, after all, we are sisters.
Whereas my second sister didn't bother herself with our issue. Rather than she was watching our fight with enthusiasm. As Haniya and I rarely fight, our thoughts and opinions are the same most of the time.
She and Nina haven't received any predictions, until one night Yasmin screams in her sleep. That caused everyone to woke up and when we asked what she saw,
" Haniya, your future children are troublesome. They will shave my head while I am asleep," She replied.
This made us laugh and Edward wanted to know more about his future children. But was silence with Haniya's glare who is pissed off by the prediction.
"Lucky you, Yasmin now you can prevent yourself from getting bald," Roshini yawns afterwards she spoke.
" How can you be sure it's your prediction, not a dream?" Haniya posed a question.
"It's... it's like you know which is your right hand or left hand. I just know when I am dreaming or seeing a prediction," Yasmin muttered.
After that, we were leaving when Edward mumbled, " We will be having a talk about this in the morning," with a smug expression.
" If Haniya isn't going to kill me," Yasmin joked, this made Edward laugh and it was a genuine laugh I heard from him.

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