Chapter - 21

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"We have failed as parents," Dad exclaimed.
" We fight most of the time when we should have looked after the children," Mom whispered.
Mom and Dad were sitting together on the sofa but neither of them is giving attention to the other. They look lost and sad which made me cry seeing them like that.
" Mama, Papa, where is Yasmin?" I walked towards them.
" Disha, why are you awake? Didn't you sleep?" Mom questions me with a tired look.
" I couldn't sleep without Yasmin in the room and where is she?" I spoke holding my tears.
" Yasmin had fits. She has to stay at the hospital until the doctor says," Dad explained.
" What is fits?" I asked.
" When someone is so sad that their brain can not bear it... That their bodies start to shake uncontrollably...That's what fits are," Mom explains while holding her tears.
"Yasmin is sad?" I asked and Mom nodded.
" Yasmin is always sad after that night," I said.
This statement made Mom and Dad attentive and both of them lean forward.
" What night are you talking about?" Mom asked looking scared but why?.
" When Nana (grandfather ) kept dinner for everyone. That night Haniya and I wore the same dress. We were playing hide and seek, but we couldn't find Nina and Yasmin. They were hiding very good and we asked where they were hiding. Both of them never answer and Nina started to fight with Asha. Since then, Yasmin is always sad and Nina is angry," I said.
Mom and Dad looked shocked and stared at each other forgetting I am here.
" Mama, Papa what happen?" I asked
" Did anyone ever touch you?" Mom holds my arms and asked.
" You are touching me," I answered.
" Not this type of touch... Like did someone touch you that you didn't like or inside your pants?," Papa explained.
" Why would someone touch me there?" I made a disgusting expression.
Mom and Dad looked relieved later telling me to sleep as I have to go to school tomorrow.
As I was going towards my room, I heard someone calling me,
" Disha wake up... You are dreaming...Disha," The sound is similar to me but I can't recognise whose.
" Disha... follow my voice," I turn around to where the voice was coming from.
It was coming from Mom and Dad's room. I walked toward my parent's room and when I touch the doorknobs, I felt a blast of electricity through my body connecting me with someone.
I open the door and went inside to see, two wolves and Asha in the centre of the darkness.
" Where am I?" I asked
" You fell unconscious when Roshini opened the door. We tried to wake you up and you weren't responding so I used my powers," Asha explained.
" But that wasn't a didn't feel like one," I pointed to where I came from, trying to explain what I saw.
" No, it was a part of your memories that you forgot while growing up," Asha clarified.
I thought back on what happened before I came inside the room, the conversation I had with Mom and Dad. The realisation that the conversation meant made my jaw fall to the ground.
" Did you know?" I asked.
" I just found out as you did," Asha answered looking sad which mirror my expression.
" I need to talk with Yasmin," I said.
" You have to wake up for that," Asha stated.
" How?" I questioned.
The sound of whining turn my attention toward Halona who came beside me. Her head is downwards but her eyes were looking at me with an immense amount of sadness. I rapidly hug her and rubbed her black fur to make her feel better. I closed my eyes and continue to rub her yet she was whining and whimpering making me cry as well. I wanted to talk to her but I couldn't move my mouth, I tried many times yet fail. So I tried to open my eyes which felt heavy.

Slowly my eyes opened but I wasn't in the darkroom with Halona anymore instead I was in my room. Asha was on my right side, Haniya and Yasmin were on my left side, and Nina and Roshini were in front of me. All of them have surrounded me yet maintain distance.
" What happened?" Yasmin asked
I looked at my sister, imaging the amount of pain she had gone through. Realising why she had to go to therapy, why she become introverted or why she always wanted someone to accompany her to the bathroom in childhood.
" Disha, tell us what happened? You spend the night with Ace...Did you guys fight or what?" Haniya asked looking concerned.
After hearing Ace's name, I remember what happened last night. The emotional and physical pain he caused left Halona and me heartbroken. The pain came back like an old friend welcoming me to the darkness it brings.
" Why are you crying? Tell us," Asha begged, she looked desperate. Why won't she, she just found out about what Yasmin and Nina went through and now I look broken as I feel.
I end up crying harder than before. Nina hand me a glass of water which I gulped at once. Then I tried to control my breathing which took a few minutes and everyone was patiently waiting for my answer. Hence I told them what happened and how Ace confessed his feelings for me in the morning.
Everyone's aura showed they were shocked except for Yasmin and Nina. Yasmin's aura was filled with sadness and pity while Nina's aura was pure rage.
" Did you say no?" Asha whispered.
I nodded.
" He raped you," Yasmin announced making me look at her bewildered.
" No, I didn't stop him at first...," I was interrupted by Yasmin.
Then Haniya told Yasmin to chill down and they look at each other. They were mind-linking each other, I don't know what they were saying but Yasmin left the room shortly followed by Nina and Roshini.
" You should sleep, Disha. Your body and mind need to rest after what you went through last night," Haniya said while noticing Asha looking disturbed.
After Haniya and Asha left me alone, I end up crying once again. Halona was continuously whining and whimpering in pain and sadness. I didn't realise when I fall asleep.

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