Chapter - 22

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" Disha?" Mom spoke in disbelief.
" I am sorry...I don't know what got into me that I was disrespectful towards you and Dad. I am so sorry," I tried to control my tears but I failed and end up sobbing.
" Disha, what happened that made you so angry with us?" She asked.
To be honest, I also don't know why I was harsh to them. After, I got to know about Dad cheating on Mom. I remember the worst memories of my childhood and I blame them. I blame them for making me a shy and nervous girl. But what I am is because of my choices and action.
" I got to know that Dad cheated on you...and I got angry that why did you continue to be in the marriage rather than getting a divorce or separation?" I said after I compose myself.
" It isn't easy as you think. Your Dad and I had a rocky relationship... Our marriage was against our will... Your grandfathers wanted our businesses to prosper and have more power so they thought of marriage. Your Dad and I never liked each other at first... When we got married, we didn't speak to each other until it was necessary, and then we got pressured to have a child after a month of marriage. The pressure was so much that we had to obey and then you came into our life still people, especially your Dadi Ji ( Grandmother) and Dada Ji ( Grandfather) wanted a boy... Then we tried to have one until my third pregnancy...Your Dad and I were fed up with being mocked for not having a son. We loved you and we didn't care what our gender child was. Then finally Mohid stood up against his parents saying that he will make you girls capable enough that you three don't need anyone to support you," Mom explained.
" We still didn't improve our relationship until Yasmin had her first fits... That was a week after the feast your grandfather arranged. That shook our core to think Yasmin is depressed when she was a kid. How can a child be depressed when they should be cheerful?. We thought it was because of our fight that affected her mentally. Instead of improving our relationship, we blame each other until we decided to get divorced but Yasmin has another fit... After that, we realised, what was causing her fits....," I interrupted her.
" I know about that,"
" How do you know?" She said, sounding completely shocked.
" I remember some of the moments of my childhood," I answered without clarifying anything further.
" Okay, we blame ourselves for not protecting Yasmin from whoever that monster was," Mom sounded like she was going to cry.
" Mom, Yasmin didn't get raped. Nina told me that and Yasmin agreed," I clarified as I am guessing Mom doesn't know about it because of her last sentence.
" What?" She sounded shocked.
" Can you tell me what happened? And how come you don't know about it?" I asked as I am getting confused.
" On the night when Mohid's father kept the dinner for the entire neighbourhood...All of us were busy taking care of guests and arranging dinner while all children were playing. Then we heard a fight happening between Asha and Nina. Nina was getting aggressive, which made Sameera drag Nina into a room... Where Nina lifted her dress up... Disha, that was a horrible and painful thing I witnessed. Nina was crying nonstop and kept saying it hurts...It still sends a chill to my body to even think about that," Mom shared her experiences while I closed my mouth with my hand so I got won't a cry and interrupt Mom.
" After that night, Sameera and Mohan were never the same. They stop socialising with people and limited themselves to close friends and relatives. And after that night, we don't host huge dinners or always invite people who we trust. Mohan tried to take Nina to the hospital right away that night but she didn't let him touch her. Sameera had to comfort Nina and took her to the hospital. Police got involved but Nina didn't say a word about the culprit. The police investigated everyone but they didn't find that monster. We didn't know about Yasmin as you all children didn't say anything that indicates Yasmin was with Nina. But after one of Yasmin's fits... You told us that Yasmin was with Nina during the feast. Then that was the moment, Mohid and I aside our problems. We did try to talk to Yasmin but she cries so much that we got scared if she gets another fit so we stop. Then we told Sameera and Mohan about Yasmin being with Nina. They tried to talk to Nina but she gets hostile and it was difficult to talk to her. Later, we decided to talk when these two gets older but they got more stubborn with time. No one knew what happened? It never let me sleep at night same with Mohid, Mohan and Sameera," Mom said.
" What else you got to know, Disha?" Mom asked after a few seconds of silence.
" That Yasmin wasn't raped. They don't want to talk... Yasmin told me that talking about that night makes Nina relive those moments and advised me not to talk about it," I said to Mom.
" Poor Nina, she had to face the horrible thing back and front after that night," Mom said.
" What do you mean by back and front?" I asked.
" I can't tell you that. I made a promise to Sameera and Mohan to be quiet," She muttered and I didn't pressure her further.
" Now Disha, tell me how are you doing?" Mom asked.
" A lot is happening, Mom" I blurted.
" It's so much work to do. It is because I am working on something different than I used to," I quickly explain before Mom could question.
" You will get used to it," Mom muttered.
" How is Dad doing?" I asked nervously.
" He is missing you and blames the past actions of his that drifted you apart from him. You should talk to him after this call," Mom instructed me and I will obey her.
" I will," I announced.
Then a knocking sound came interrupting my call.
" What do you want," I asked as I knew it could be one of the girls.
" Disha, Haniya is asking for your earrings saying it's her favourite one," Edward asked after opening the door.
" Okay, " I said and placed my phone on the table. I took the earrings Haniya was asking for as she loved this one and wears it a lot.
" There you go," I muttered while giving the earring and Edward left the room.
" Disha, who was that guy?" Mom asked right away.
" Mom...," Holy shit, what do I suppose to say, I am already overwhelmed from this call.
" Don't you dare lie to me!" Mom warns sounding intimidating making me gulp in fear.
" He is Haniya's boyfriend," I blurt out.
" What?" Mom screamed causing me to frown and turn my head away from the phone.
" What is his name? What does he do for a living? How old is he? Sent me his picture," Mom turned into an investigator and started to raise many questions at once.
" His name is Edward and he comes from a wealthy family so he has abundant shares from different businesses. I don't know much about his age though...Why don't you call Haniya and ask about him," I answered nervously.
" Give the phone to Haniya," Mom ordered.
Give the phone to Haniya so she could use one of her powers on me after she talked to Mom. Oh hell no!.
" Mom, I will call Dad after this... Why don't you call on Haniya's phone?" I spoke the truth. This way I am hitting two birds with one stone.
" Oh, okay... Tell me are you or Yasmin dating?" She asked.
What can I say about Ace? We are soulmates, we are made for each other yet we aren't in a healthy relationship. This is a real relationship, not like I hoped for which was a perfect fairy tale. Where we could hardly fight and be content with each other.
" Disha? Are you there?" Mom asked sounding concerned.
"Yasmin doesn't have anyone yet... I don't know what to say about my relationship... it's complicated," I answered.
" Trust your heart and allow your brain to is difficult as heart and brain don't get along...Emotion tends us to ignore the truth and make us live in our dream whereas logic shows us the truth but it could hurt us and everyone around us... Yet, those two are important as your heart may fall in love with someone and if your brain analyses are positive then he is the one. There will be times when you will follow your heart while ignoring the brain and vice-versa but it's up to you to combine them and have a proper balance," Mom advised making Halona and me listen to each and every word attentively. I didn't know I needed this to hear, I followed my heart from the moment Ace entered my life. Now, I am analysing everything relating to Ace but I am not hearing or following my heart. This could have made me commit a mistake again. After hearing Mom, I will make sure to follow it.
" Right Halona?" I asked as I want to know her opinion.
Halona howls in the agreement for the first time Halona howls after that night.
" Thank you, Mom. I really needed some advice," I said.
" Mom, I thought you will be against this. As no one in our family or social circle has dated or talked to a different ethnic person," I muttered in surprise.
" Well, the time is changing Disha. And we should follow it rather than stick to the past...I think our family likes to do everything first...Like Mohan and Sameera had a love marriage or you prioritising your career over marriage or Meher continue her studies after her marriage and now my two daughters may marry an American," Mom sounds optimistic and cheerful after saying thinking about Haniya's and mine's future wedding.
" Well, I can't say about mine but Haniya and Edward are looking serious. Also, Edward is Canadian," I said making the conversation divert from my current and future love life. Even though, I am using Haniya as a scapegoat I don't regret it at all.
" Really?, Haniya always wanted to settle in Canada. Looks like god has granted her wish," Mom sounded cheerful and giggled.
" Okay Mom, I have to call Dad now. I will call you tomorrow," I promised.
" Disha, keep calling us regular as you are living in a foreign country. And be cautious of people as their opinion, lifestyle, and moral ethic are different," Mom advises, little does she know. That no one can mess with the Wolf-Queen and get away...humans or non-human, I have loyal people even though they are a different species.
"Okay Mom, I will be careful...Bye," I said.
" Alright...wait you should call Mohid after an hour as he could be in the meeting, right now," Mom spoke and cut the call.
" I feel so light after talking to's like a huge weight has been lifted off me," I said to Halona.
" It was the best decision to talk to her," Halona spoke back sounding better than before.
" Looks like, talking to Mom also helped you," I muttered.
" Yes...What are you going to do?," Halona asked confidently.
" I need to know why Ace hasn't called me since the night? He gave my stuff back through Andy without saying a word," I muttered.
" I don't know what to say about that," Halona whispered as she is hurt that Ace didn't contact us.
" I have to call him because I don't think he will call," I decided to take the first step.
" When will you be calling him then?" Halona questions.
" Today," I answered.
" It's going to be a long day then," Halona mumbled.
" And overwhelming too," I said.
" Disha, you told Mom about Edward. What the hell were you thinking?" Haniya yells through the mindlink.
" I didn't have any fake story to tell so I told the truth and for your information, Mom knows about Ace," I said in a nonchalant tone.
" Mom told me what you said about your love life. You didn't tell her  Ace's name but rather said Edward and I are committed to each other. From what angle does it look like?" Haniya sounded angry which had zero effect on me.
" Every time, I look at you guys behave like a normal couple and the way you two look at each other... That I could have said but the truth is I wanted to change the subject quickly without giving Mom the chance to ask about Ace,"  I said.
" What?" Haniya sounded confused. Of course, she would because of my answer. Well, I am loving to hear Haniya sounding annoyed.
" Are you high?" Haniya asked after she compose herself.
" No, I talked to Mom and I am going to call Dad now. So why will I be high?" I spoke innocently.
" All the best then. We will talk after I come back as you clearly are not in your sense," She concluded our conversation and then block me before I could say something.

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