Chapter - 10

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"In today's class, we are going to learn what powers you all possess and how many. The power you will possess have no connection to your wolves but your personality. First of all, we will find what kind of kitsune you girls have. For that, you have to stand in front of this bowl, holding it and letting your wolves take control which will help them to find what powers you hold," Sabrina explain what we have to do.
I went first and put my hands on the side of the bowl which by the way perfectly looks like a witch bowl shown in movies. It's a black bowl with a detailed craving on it, it kinda looks like words in different languages and weird symbols.
I let Halona take control of my body and this made a strange sensation in my body. I was feeling strangely powerful, instead of blood flowing in my nerves, I felt energy emitting from me.
" I possess the power of Kawa and Umi," Halona announced in confidence and the aura she emitted made everyone expect Sabrina to bow towards us. But Sabrina have sweat form on her forehead and looked a little intimated by Halona.
" Kawa is kitsune who hold the power of the river and Umi holds power on ocean and sea. This means you can control water," Sabrina clarified.
Then Roshini comes up to the bowl and holds it. She started to show an aura of destruction and it looked like she was fighting within herself. This made Sabrina speak, "Let your wolf take control, she wouldn't do anything wrong,"
Roshini relaxed at Sabrina's words and this changed her aura of destruction into a peaceful one.
" I am Kukan and Yama," It was Kiran who declared. Her sound holds a mixture of mischief and maturity, that kinda contradicting thing to notice.
Her announcement made Sabrina gasp which made me go into alert mode and looked at her.
Sabrina quickly reposed herself and said, " Kukan is kitsune of Dark also known as Void, which is the most destructive and mischief kitsune among of the thirteen kitsune. Yama is the kitsune of mountains which is normally a calm kitsune. It is quite an interesting couple of kitsune you hold Roshini,"
"It's quite ironic as well, her and Kiran's names means light and she holds the power of darkness, " Nina exclaimed.
" You are happier than I should be, " Roshini said to Nina to which she replied,
" What to do I am a genuine friend. You can't find anyone to be happy on your happiness and misery as I will be,"
This made us smile at her statement which I believe is true if any of us have a problem and told Nina about it. She will find something funny out of it and joke about it. That's infuriating but it also lightens the situation which leads to an amazing solution coming up.
" I can't find any memory of where Nina is tense or panicking," Halona said in a bizarre tone, I didn't like.
" She believes the more you stress, it only adds up your problem," I responded to Halona.
" Or she is good at wearing the mask. Looking at your memories, Nina hardly shows her emotion of sadness or anxiety," Halona resorts.
" Well, that's because she maybe believes in the toxic concept that showing someone you are crying, panicking only makes you weak as Haniya and Hoor believe the same," I explained the assumption I had.
" But both of your sisters Haniya and Hoor showed emotions when they are at the lowest point of their lives because they cannot control their emotions. Unlike Nina who I believe holds her emotions even when she was facing the worst experience of her life," Halona counterattack my explanation.
" That's maybe because she expresses her feeling in poetry and painting..," I said until Halona interrupt me and continue saying,
" You are not seeing my point, she acts weird at times and I will point out when she does," Halona then blocks me out, I don't know how but I just know.
" Dude what happen? I was busy talking to Halona due to which I wasn't attentive," I whisper to Roshini.
" Asha kitsune type is Tengoka meaning is light, prime and Seishin means Spirit. Haniya's are Ongaku meaning is music and sounds, and Jikan which means time. And Yasmin's are Kaze which means wind and other one is Mori meaning is forest and wood," Roshini explained.
Nina is standing in front of the bowl and when she holds it, a sudden eruption of fire arrives.
Eve, Nina's wolf announced, " I am Kaisan and Sanda. I will seek revenge for my past host and finally be with my mate,"
What the hell?.
All of us looked at Sabrina for an explanation but she is clueless like us.
What is happening with Nina, didn't she have enough?
" I believe it has to do something with Eve's past host," Halona said which I agreed.
Nina sat beside Roshini and Roshini whispered, " You are not the only one. Kiran even said something weird but I was able to stop to say it out loud,"
" What did Kiran tell?" Sabrina asked in cautious mode.
" I will fulfil my purpose and live with my mate forever," Roshini said nervously.
" I will appreciate that you girls share with me anything. Something like this can have significant meaning. Are we clear? " Sabrina said in an enchanting tone that makes me obey her.
" Now we are aware of the type of kitsunes you all possess. Let's move on to see what powers your wolve side holds and for that, you have to shift," Sabrina told.
We have stood at the backyard of Sabrina's house who said it is easier to conduct the test at her place. Since the area is spelt with protection and alarming spells which means anyone enters through the spell, it will alarm Sabrina about the arrival and it protects us by restricting our smell outside the spell area.
All of us shifted together and I hardly felt the pain of bone-cracking or muscle repositioning themselves.
" I want you girls to have control over your wolf form instead of your wolves. One by one you girls will come forward and feel any energy around you that attracts you. After feeling it, you have to create something like a wall or anything and if you are feeling lost, ask for help from your wolves. Your wolves only control elements such as Fire, Water, Earth, Air or Light," Sabrina explain the procedure.
Asha went first. After a few minutes, an explosion of fire erupted from the ground to the sky. This later transforms into a star firework, which looks incredible and continues to occur. Each of the stars was different in shape and colour.
" Asha holds the power of fire, you can create any kind of fire," Sabrina declared.
And like that, everyone showcases their powers. Haniya was able to create a mini-tornado only surrounding her, this meant that she can control air.
Roshini was able to create a ball emitting light resembling a scene in harry potter where the characters were able to create light from their wands and act as a torch. And Sabrina told that Roshini can control light and with proper training, she can even control darkness. It wasn't a surprise for me, I might have guessed that she may have power relating to light. It is because Sabrina told us our powers are related to our personality and Roshini's personality is like a shining, happy going girl and it freaking matches her name.
Yasmin was able to emit water out of grass and create a water ball flowing in the air, meaning that she can control water. That's pretty awesome, now both of us can learn from each other. Most probably, she might learn from me since I am the oldest so I can do better.
" She is the creative one, maybe you will be the one learning from her," Halona points out the valid point. Yasmin can be creative with water that no one might have ever thought or did.
" Nina holds the power of Earth," Sabrina's voice halted my conversation with Halona.
Wait, I missed what did Nina do.
" She was able to create a wall surrounding her from all sides," Halona answered.
" How were you able to know, we were talking," I questioned.
" Unlike you, I can do multitasking," Halona insulted me.
That hurts bitch.
Now it's my turn to do whatever it's called, I step forward and started to feel anything. But it wasn't helping me at all, so Halona spoke," Use your strongest emotion and according to your memories, it's sadness. Think of anything that makes you sad, the intensity of your emotion depends on your power,"
I thought of my childhood, the unnecessary beating I received, the fighting...
" Disha has the power of the earth," Sabrina once again halted, bringing me to the present.
I have created walls surrounding me,
" You created like Nina did but it's denser and less scary," Asha mind-linked me.
I nodded half-heartedly as the memories ruined the mood for me, Why did I have to think that? I could have thought something else.
" Now you girls can shift back," Sabrina said. And we followed her command.
" How are you feeling girls?" She inquiry,
" Awful, the previous class were mentally and physically exhausted me and this just adds it up," I let out my tiredness.
"Let's take some rest, I will arrange the guest rooms where you girls can rest for thirty minutes," Sabrina announced and we followed inside her house.
Sabrina's house had a cottage theme, it gave a warm, comforting vibe which made me easily adjust. I always liked to have a personal cottage and Sabrina's house just made my wish into a determination that I will fulfil.
"Guys, I am ordering bobo tea for me. Do you like to order something as well?" Asha asked.
" I will like to have a vanilla flavoured one," I said while sitting on the sofa and closing my eyes.
Everyone told me what flavour they wanted, then we were resting on the sofa for a few minutes until Sabrina showed us the rooms.
Haniya came inside the room I was resting and asked," Are you okay?".
"Yea, why are you asking this all of the sudden." I inquiry for the sudden concern.
"You are quiet nowadays, hardly attentive as well. You used to be like this during that relationship period. It just feels like you are closing up again. Asha was the one who pointed out and told me to talk to you, to see you are fine." She had a worried expression.
" I am fine, the reason I am less attentive is that I talk to Halona a lot. She is an opinionated, talkative wolf. Quite the opposite of what I am," I giggled when talking about Halona and soon Haniya joined me.
" And it should be me, who have to ask that if everything is fine between you and Edward," Haniya stiffen at my question as she wasn't expecting one. Then she took a breath and said,
" After seeing mom's and dad's relationship, I used to doubt about ever setting down with something and just a few months ago, I accept that I will spend my rest of life with someone. For that, I had to make sure I overcome my faults and just improve myself so I can live with someone peacefully. Not have a relationship like mom and dad. But out of the blue moon, Eddi comes and just claim to be with me... He just doesn't care what I want and keep saying his wolf and him want Zarita and me to be close to them as it helps them to be sane,"
" First of all, I agree with you about the mom and dad situation as it affected me deeply as it did to you. And all of us took a different approach to cope. I started to find love and affection from guys which only ruined me. But this made mom and dad talk with me, they explain that every relationship has ups and downs. Their downs don't define them, what defines them is that they stick together after everything happen and they love each other..." Haniya interrupted by laughing humourlessly.
" You are saying this because you don't know what I know," She spoke in bizarre told that my spin have chills.
" What do you mean? " I asked.
" Are you sure, she is ready to know about that? " Yasmin sounded shocked Haniya and me, and Haniya asked in an alarm tone, " How do you know?"
" I can see the future, idiot," Yasmin said while seating at the opposite corner of the bed.
" Just tell me, what the matter?" I said losing every ouch of the patient inside me.
" Dad cheated on Mom, that's why they used to fight back and front," Haniya disclosed.
The moment Haniya said that ridiculous statement, I felt I travel back to the time when my parents were happy. Mom always needs Dad by her side while sleeping, Dad never keeps a secret from Mom nor can lie to mom. They used to fight but it was because we were having financial problems, the fights were always about money.
Haniya has a misunderstanding for sure, a bond that mom and dad share... it's pure, sincerely, beautiful. Their bond made me believe in love.
" You must be mistaken, Haniya. They love..." Haniya didn't let me finish and said, " I freaking saw Dad having sex with a woman. And she wasn't a mom at all. That incident scared me to life and I cannot mistake it for anything," Haniya growled.
When Haniya growled, it affected Halona and she release an aura of dominance that made both of my sisters whimper as a result.
" Don't disrespect me, pup!" Halona barks to Haniya which made her whine.
" Shit... That was Halona, I swear I didn't mean to make to feel... whatever you are feeling," I apologise to my sisters but it sounded lame apology.
"It's okay, I understand but what I said is true Disha. Dad cheated on mom and I caught him red-handed," Haniya said in low voice.
" Since how long have you known about this, Yasmin?" I turned my attention to my other sister.
" I had a dream about it before my first fits started. Do you remember my first fits?" Yasmin paused to see our nodding and continue, " I saw dad..."
Before Yasmin could say further, Asha entered the room interrupting Yasmin.
" Yo, I just wanted to remind you guys about werewolf hearing. Think, see the surroundings and then say something because this house isn't soundproof. And neither of us meaning Nina, Roshini and I wanted to hear anything too personal about you guys, "
" You heard what we were talking about?" Haniya asked.
" Accidentally.. yes we did," Asha confessed.
" Okay, we will talk about this later," I said to my sister with a serious expression.
" Guys, bobo tea has arrived. There you go," Nina quickly enter, handed out our drink and left like a rocket.
Soon after Asha followed her.
Haniya, Roshini and I had our drinks in silence. Outside I may seem quiet, calm but inside there was complete chaos.
My whole life was a lie, I was fed with lies, making me believe my parents were happy together. Why didn't they just end their marriage? It could have lessened the damage, the scare they have provided by continuing their toxic marriage. They made me find love, affection elsewhere, especially from guys who clearly don't deserve me. Yet, I continue that relationship because that's what I saw, learn from my parents.
" Yo, Sabrina is waiting for you all in the living room," Asha mind-linked Haniya, Yasmin and me simultaneously.
Sabrina took us to the basement where we will know what powers our witch side possess.
The basement was painted in dark purple which compliments the black furniture along with the potions, herbs it was filled with. There were varied books, candles, crystals and mirrors that were radiating different kinds of auras such as happiness, annihilation, peace. This made me feel suffocated with so many of the auras that were demanding my attention, but I was successful to ignore them.
" As a witch with expression, I can experiment where you girls will drink a potion that will help to heighten your witch powers, then you have to inhale a fragment candle I made that will help to create a temporary bond between you and me. Which will help me to identify your witch power," Sabrina explained the procedure.
Roshini went first, she sat opposite Sabrina. Sabrina gestures to drink the potion which was poured into the glass, Roshini did as she was told. When Roshini took the first sip making her cringe nevertheless, she drank the whole potion. Then Sabrina lightens the candle which had the fragrance of lemongrass, sandalwood and other herbs I won't recognise. Roshini inhale the candle which made her eyes change into the green. It was Kiran's eyes and they looked foggy for a while until Sabrina announced,
" Roshini can sense people's desire".
" Looks like we have a female version of Lucifer," Asha mind-link all of us which made Roshini blush.
" Wait, I just got a vision. Where Disha's power was telepathic, Yasmin can compel people and animals, Haniya can talk to the death, Asha can control blood" Nina stopped, looked at Asha weirdly for a while and continued," I am a seer meaning I can see the future. But is it possible to double-check whatever I said?"
" Of course," Sabrina answered
Turns out Nina was right about our powers and Sabrina suggested Nina learn witchcraft with an experienced hight ranked warlord, who can teach her to control her powers at her will. Nina was pleased and immediately agreed.

That's how our magic class went and Sabrina told us about Jacob's power, where he can detain any vampire power. And he will be the one to reveal our hidden vampire power.
Later, Asha asks about our coyote side's power but the coyote side doesn't have any power. According to history, no sun-shinner were possessed power from their coyote side.
" Just because no one ever possesses coyote power that doesn't mean it doesn't exist," Halona said but went to sleep.
She behaves unusually at times.

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