Chapter 30

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" So it's decided that 2/3 of the werewolves will be in their wolf form while others will fight in the human form which goes the same for kitsune as well. The witches and wizards will be invisible and attack the Unknown Pack warrior. The 2/3 of them will protect you and your members, Queen. Then the vampires will be in the last row and they will use their speed and strength to protect our warriors," Alpha Aston summarised the plan we discussed after having our breakfast.
" Do you think these witches and wizards are powerful more than Ace and Sebastian? I have seen Sebby doing some dark powerful magics," Ava spoke up after staying quiet since the beginning of the plan.
" Ava, they are the ones of the most powerful witches and wizards in the world. They are allowed to use dark magic during the war," Beta Liam said but Ava objected again,
" Yeah, they do but they were only allowed some dark magic. Sebby doesn't have any limitations on using dark magics,"
" As the royals, we could use the forbidden magics which are more powerful than the dark magic," Asha suggested before looking at me for confirmation.
" But we weren't taught forbidden magic," I said looking apologetic at Asha.
" There are few forbidden magic that could be learned in one or two days," She reasoned making me nod and mutter,
" Call Sabrina and inform her about this plan... Tell her to come here as soon as possible,"
Asha looked delighted when I agreed with her plan. I notice Alpha Aston looked impressed and said,
" I am fully sure we will kill the Alpha and Beta of the Unkown Pack with the least damage,"
His words cause Ava and me to growl as we gritted our teeth to control ourselves.
" I am sorry," Alpha Aston apologises for his insensitive words that affect us emotionally. It isn't easy for Ava and me to fight against our mates as we love them. Now that Ace and I are marked through our wolves that means our bond is stronger than before. If one of us dies that could lead to another through heartbreak and depression then at last death.
I am glad that Halona marked Ron so if Ace dies then I would as well. I never thought my love for Ace could be this deep that I will be fine to die. Because it's better to die than to live and it's not just for my life but for others as well.
After my death, Asha will be the Queen of the sunshinner and Roshini will be the Beta. Asha will be a great Queen as she has compassion for others, she will empathises with the abused people and she will use methods that will correct the people than punish them as everyone deserves a chance. After all, the King of moon-lighter werewolves is known for his cruel punishment because of this Asha's method will be a sign to show mercy and kindness that was never seen.
" Disha," Asha's sound stop my future prediction after my death.
" Yeah, " I answered with a dried throat realising I haven't had water since my breakfast.
" Let's have our lunch," She said as she leave making me notice that I am the only one left in the room.
Just like our breakfast, lunch was a fest. There are three types of appetisers, four types of main courses and two types of desserts. This treatment keeps reminding me that I am a Queen, I was never treated like a princess or special even on my birthdays. So after having the title of Queen, people have been treating me special, giving me luxurious gifts and giving their attention to me. This could have spoiled me but it isn't because I am hating it. Without the title, I am no one, there isn't special about me and the people who care for me or even like me are because of who I am. Just like Ace did.
" I informed Sabrina about the situation and she will be coming in an hour to train us," Asha informed looking excited.
" Shot two birds with one stone," Nina muttered in Hindi looking at Asha's excited face.
" We are benefiting at the end that matters the most," I said as Sabrina told us we could learn about dark and forbidden magic probably after a year. But the situation demands it now.
" Yasmin, you have to eat more now as magic practice drains your energy," I spoke looking at Yasmin's little-to-nothing lunch.
" Okay," She responds covering her mouth which is filled with an appetiser.
Alpha Aston, Beta Liam and Gamma Oliver were busy with the pack work. Therefore Luna Anna, Beta Sophia, Gamma Chloe and Ava spend time with us until Sabrina arrives.
" As you all know, while performing magic you extract energy from nature. There are some practices in which you can extract energy from a human being which are called forbidden magic. This could take that person's life... I wanted to teach you forbidden magic after you all have mastered the basic magic but from sources, we got to know Ace has mastered the dark magic. There are only four forbidden magic and today I will talk about them in detail. And tomorrow, we will start practising it, am I clear?" We nodded to Sabrina and then she continued to speak,
" The four forbidden magics take the extract from aura, blood, mind and emotions. If you master them, you could even control a dead body... These practices could make people your puppet, or you could take extracts from them to form an energy that will source your magic like controlling the weather. It is because human energy is the power source in this world....," Sabrina paused for a while thinking and then she clapped her hands,
" I teach you all this one magic where you all will get to know who is under a spell or if someone is trying to spell or something is spelt or cursed. This is considered dark magic because after learning it, you are immune to curses and spells," Sabrina announced making us eager to learn this trick.
Sabrina has used a special powder that is made from various plants. She handed us a pink candle each which Nina lighten immediately after Sabrina requested. Then Sabrina instructed Roshini to use her Kitsune power to make an illusion of birds flying around us which makes Sabrina concentrate. That made us look at each other as we found it strange but who are we to judge?
" Repeat after me," Sabrina instructed us before she spoke slowly in Latin.
" A vi ultra peto custodire ab carmine. Scientiam cui sub alica quaero," We chanted in harmony as we repeated Sabrina's words.
Translate: From the power of beyond i seek to protect from the spell. I seek the knowledge of whom is under the spell.
"Cognitio scire si aliquis vel aliquid est maledictum,"
Translate: The knowledge to know if someone or something is a curse.
I felt the energy travelling from my skin to my veins. The hot breeze soon embraced my body nesting inside me, turning me as cold as ice as it finally nested to protect me from spells and tell me who are under spells or curses.
" The ritual is complete, now you five are immune to spells," Sabrina declared.

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