Chapter 32

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"Ahhh! That dog ate my cake!" A woman suddenly screamed. Each of you spit out your tea in shock, turning in the direction of the lady.

"Iggy!" You all yelled in unison. You'd forgotten about the dog, but seeing his adorable face covered in cake made you grin. Everyone stood up to chase him, yelling his name while he continued to run.

Once you'd finally caught up to him, you realized you weren't with the rest of the group. Looking around, you couldn't recognize anything. You sighed, squatting beside the puppy, who was laying on the dirty ground, licking his mouth to eat the rest of the delicious cake.

"Do you know where we are, Iggy?" You asked him. He looked up at you, his expression impossible to read. He was but a dog, so of course, you couldn't see what he was thinking.

You sat down, leaning your back against a wall while you looked at your surroundings.

It seems you were in an alley. It was dark, dusty, and vacant, and it had a gloomy atmosphere. It was practically silent, and the sound of Iggy's breathing was easy to hear.

Suddenly, you heard a loud crash from beside you. Your head jerked in the sound's direction, but all that was there was a tiny old man.

He was mumbling to himself, digging through a pile of garbage near the corner of the alley. He looked innocent, unable to harm anything, but he gave off a cruel scent. It stung your nose, causing you to cover it hurriedly.

"Sir, what-" You stopped talking when you felt Iggy's body press against your leg, his growling loud, warning to man to stay back.

The man turned to face you, his scowling expression sour and wrinkly. "What a pretty young lady!" He exclaimed once he saw you sitting a few yards away. His expression softened and a smile replaced his deep frown.

"Uh... Hello," You greeted, bowing your head slightly to show your respect. You stood up, ignoring the useless growling from the dog at your feet. "Do you need help with something, sir?" You asked, folding your hands together as he walked toward you.

"Ah! I do need help with one thing! Could you and your dog help me cross the street over there?" He asked, pointing with his skinny finger toward the street beside the alley.

You looked in that direction for a moment before turning back to him and nodding. "Of course."

His legs seemed to be weak and his balance wasn't very good. He held your arm tightly as you slowly walked him across the street.

Suddenly, a car began to honk loudly next to you. You turned your head in horror as you saw the incoming vehicle heading directly toward you at a high speed.

Looking at the driver of the car, you gasped, holding on tightly to the man's skinny arm.

Quickly, you began to run, the man trying his best to keep up, but it was too late. The people in the car had already seen you.

I just need to make it to the other side!

You frowned, looking at the vehicle as it stopped a few feet away from your legs. You completed the journey to the other side of the road and the man let your arm go.

"Thank you so much, young lady!" He said with a genuine smile. You bowed again, a smile on your own face.

"Y/n-Chan?" Mr. Joestar called out from the car.

"Y/n, what are you doing here?" You heard Jotaro ask. You turned your body to face them, smiling nervously.

"I got lost, sorry," You apologized, rubbing the back of your head innocently. "This old man asked for my help, so I-"

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